Introduction to project management/IPM101/Stakeholders/Stakeholder dynamics

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There are two short readings dealing with stakeholder dynamics.

  1. Beginning with section Politics of Projects read up to and including Example: Stakeholders and a Bridge Project" in the prescribed textbook (Web | PDF), Chapter 5 (pages 39 - 41 in the PDF version).
  2. Read the article, Helpful suggestions for managing difficult clients published by Project Smart.

Focus on the dynamics of stakeholder relationships in each of the examples.

From the examples which stakeholder relationship did you find most interesting? Post your comment below and then look on the course feed page to see what others have posted.

Note: Your comment will be displayed in the course feed.

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Forum - Stakeholder dynamics
  1. Share an example from your own experience of stakeholder relationships in projects.
  2. Provide advice on how to manage the relationship.
  3. Do not share personal information or names of companies, people etc. to ensure anonymity.
  4. Post your answer in the discussion forum.