Introduction to entrepreneurship/BMAN111/Entrepreneur/Failures

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“Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” — Henry Ford (Founder of the Ford Motor Company)

So far, we have focussed on the typical characteristics of a successful entrepreneur. However, in the world of business, there are no shortcuts to success and there are many potential pitfalls, as these two articles show:

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Attitudes to failure

In an entrepreneurial culture, failure is often seen as an opportunity to learn from mistakes and to do better next time.

This article is an example of a positive attitude to business failure:

However, different cultures have different attitudes to failure. This may affect how an individual feels about taking the risk of starting up a new business.

Read this article: How different cultures deal with failure for one description of attitudes to failure in different countries.


  • What is the attitude to business failure in your own country?
  • If your country, or a country that you are familiar with, is mentioned in the article, does the description seem to you to reflect reality?
  • How do attitudes to failure affect your approach to entrepreneurship?

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