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We are grateful to all who contributed to this document and, in particular, to:

  1. Sir John Daniel, President of the Commonwealth of Learning and Ms Stamenka Uvalic-Trumbic, Former Chief, Section for Higher Education, UNESCO, who championed this initiative;
  2. Mr Neil Butcher, OER Strategist, OER Africa/South African Institute for Distance Education, Ms Jenny Glennie, Director, South African Institute for Distance Education, and Ms Catherine Ngugi, Project Director, OER Africa, for preparing drafts of these Guidelines;
  3. Members of the Expert Group for guidance in their specialised subject areas;
  4. Participants in the workshops, online forums and policy forum that were part of the ‘Taking OER beyond the OER Community: Policy and Capacity’ initiative;
  5. All who submitted comments on this document; and
  6. Ms Trudi van Wyk, Education Specialist eLearning, Commonwealth of Learning, and Ms Zeynep Varoglu, Programme Specialist, UNESCO, who managed the ‘Taking OER beyond the OER Community: Policy and Capacity’ initiative from its inception in 2010.