Earthquake: Christchurch 2011/Supervisor Guide and Teaching Resouces

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This WikiEducator resource is focussed on supporting students affected by the 2011 earthquake. It is aimed at students aged 13-17 years. It is based on an inquiry approach by which students chose a rich question and use a variety of sources of information to build an understanding which answers their question.

You can help by:

  • encouraging the student to talk about their questions and possible answers. They may talk to you, and they may talk to fellow students or other people. Encourage them to talk to experts and non- experts. Talking may be face-to-face, but it may also use the internet - emails, blogs, tweets, Facebook.... Make sure that your students stay safe when they are interacting with strangers.
  • encourage them to explain what they have learned. Be encouraging but skeptical. Make sure that the students consider the validity of the sources of information they are using.
  • encouraging them to complete their project and demonstrate their understanding. This could be a talk (formal or informal), a magazine article, a letter, a blog/wiki, a contribution to this site, a video...... NZ students who are studying for NCEA may submit their work for assessment and gain NCEA credits. Students who are enrolled at Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu (The Correspondence School) should be in contact with their science teacher or learning advisor to discuss this.


 Earth Learning Idea- this site has lots of hands-on activities which simulate earthquakes and help you to understand how they occur.