E-learning design framework
From WikiEducator
The purpose of this framework is to promote effective learning design in New Zealand Schools |
The OTARA framework developed by Kate Hunt and Maurice Moore could be a useful starting point for this work. Their work was presented at eFest 2005 - their handouts are here and here. The OTARA framework has similar ideas to those of Oliver and Herrington in their paper Online Learning Design for Dummies: Professional Development Strategies For Beginning Online Designers |
Web Resources
Here are a few resources that will hopefully be useful:
To Do List
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Deadline ULearn 2009
A style guide for online courses
Interoperability and your online course
Copyright and your online course
Tools you will need to make your online course
Adapting your usual resources for your online course
My Contribution
Self directed Learning, This is not a linear process
- Learners need to learn soft skills
- Learners need to know the protocols of working in an online environment
- Give the context of the learning activity
- Co construct learning with the learners
- Find out learning styles using things like VARK: [1]
- Find out multiple intelligences using [2]
Have jumped a few things to do this example For example: Out of Sandy Britain's paper the Stages Of A Butterfly could be approached this way
- areas of learning could be Art, Science, Maths
- groups of learners split into their areas of interest
- The context which could be nainly text would be the glue (the teaching) that pulls this togther
- each group explores the different areas and comes back with their findings
- They then are tasked to teach the other groups their particular area