DS4OERS KI/How announcements work/Wrap up
Please tell us about your DS4OERS learning experience
Dear [First Name]
Thank you for your interest and participation during Digital Skills for OER Sharing. We trust that you were able to develop a few new skills in becoming a more competent and autonomous learner in a digital age.
We notice that a few participants are still working through the closing sessions of the course and that's fine. True to our open philosophy at the OERu, the course materials will remain open and accessible.
Course evaluation
Please take a few minutes to complete the online course evaluation, even if you only worked through one or two sessions. Consider your time to complete the evaluation form as a donation for this free learning opportunity. We rely on your feedback to help us improve our courses.
Please pay your learning forward by supporting others in becoming OER Practitioners. We hope that you will join us in building a thriving community of OER Pracitioners in your region.
Best wishes
Your DS4OERS Facilitation team.