Community Journalism/Ideas
From WikiEducator
for contacting people
- There was a good item on citizen journalism on Michael Enright's "Sunday Edition" on CBC Radio 1 recently. Can't remember who put it together - but it would be easy to find. Also, I'm always impressed with Nora Young's "Spark", also on CBC. - Jamie Rossiter, Ottawa (December 2009)
- Seymour Diener, formerly of Ottawa Citizen
- Stephen Bindman, former Supreme Court reporter, Ottawa
- Juan Suarez, NPR
- author: Solomon Nkiwane story, Colorado College
- (Venezuela)
for content development/ potential projects
- an online course for community bloggers
- adapt to local conditions
- arbor wiki, and other resources and databases of local resources, available for people who are looking for resources, for local reporting
- showing ideas for community journalism pilot projects
- community created databases, etc.; awareness of how to use them, and reporting...environmental quality, crime about the place, for the average place... a component of CJ, on top of the digital journalism, and storytelling, etc.
- if there was a process for people interested in CJ - driven by them and their needs, and brings resources to the table based on their needs... a plan and a model and a process to guide them through that, and build it up....some of those plans might go to other (local) investors, in local areas
- local economic development, etc.; develop folks plan - and assist them through the process; a model that also benefits the OERF for its stewardship and fostering, etc.
- Forward Foundation could work with OERF to develop a process - to steward projects...;
- successful community journalists would love to be part of it...
- identify potential revenue models, sustainability
- food systems on a local scale - policy, - Bonnie Bucker? - (Sustainable Agriculture), etc.; she used to teach journalism at Michigan State University.
- music, entertainment, science, hacker culture, people into general problems... with schools, and in the modern world... CJ, that supports communities of interest... initiating a CJ effort that supports the CofP - many opportunities for people to do that...
- grassroots CJ - the long tail of journalism.... a process and a model that supports the long tail of journalism - Supporting the long tail of journalism.
- aligning people to their own needs (i.e., what they want to do) and empowering people to report, collaborate,experiment on emerging needs, their own needs...... not prescriptive by any means. Also supported by research about what works, etc.
- giving people access to background knowledge to successfully running a news source...; how to successfully do CJ online, and education resources applied to that, etc.; education packages, etc.; multiple different tools and platforms, etc.
- Community based leadership and collaborative practices in rural areas
- CJ Online Co-op Internship Program
- CJ Skills Development in Social Media - for alumns and working journalists
- reaching out to J-Source (Canada)
for content use
- News University (Poynter & Knight Ridder
- Can the Web Save Newspapers? After taking blame for print's decline, the digital world, including mobile devices and tablet computers, is being hailed as a potential saviour, Toronto Star
potential applications
- online community journalism courses - about how to use newly-available databases and resources - available locally, nationally and globally;
- online course work using social media (including WikiEducator);
- development of participative learning communities to support new and experienced community journalist;
- innovative models for citizen engagement and news / feature writing and reporting
- interdisciplinary, intergenerational and cross-border collaboration
- virtual internships and co-op opportunities (i.e., news reporting on WikiEducator's community; sectoral reporting in agriculture, supporting NGO's in Africa, such as Regional AIDS Network in Kenya, Community Media in South Africa and Tanzania, etc)
- See ProPublica Reporting Recipe page
for Funding Organizations
- BCcampus
- Heritage Canada
- Knight Foundation
- McConnell Foundation
- Vancouver Foundation (see also Government/Nonprofit initiative)