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Presentations and slideshows are an effective way of demonstrating to a learner how to perform a task using step by step instructions. You can create a presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint, Google slides or an online tool such as H5P or Prezi. Your presentation can incorporate visual content with the information they need to learn how to perform a task. You can follow up from your presentation asking the learners to participate in a quiz, or an online forum so that they can test their own knowledge.


You can use a range of quizzes in your course to confirm the learners understanding. These can be multiple choice, true or false or short answer quizzes. It is important that you make sure that the quiz you create is relevant to the content and the expected outcomes are embedded in the resources that you have provided to the learner.

Online forums

Online forums are a great way to provide your learners with an opportunity to interact peer to peer, or with the instructor. They encourage collaboration and enable the learners to problem solve as a team and to share resources with one another.

Flash cards

Embedding flashcards in your training resources provides the learner with a fun and interactive way to consolidate their learning. They are well received by the learner as they break up reading and provide a summary of the key learning outcomes. Providing images on one side of the card with textual information on the other assists the brain to store information.


Well designed games with clear learning objectives allow the learner to test their own knowledge as well as allowing the trainer to identify gaps in the learner’s understanding. Games can be created to be competitive or collaborative.

Case studies

Case studies can be written or a video and will ideally allow your learner to dive into and analyse a real life situation that is relevant to their learning. They provide the learner with an opportunity to analyse a problem and provide recommendations on how to overcome the problem.