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Implementing feedback and modifying activities

What will you do after you review?

Now that you have collated the feedback from your peers and learners and reviewed their responses it is time to implement any changes that where identified. This is a continuous improvement process, and you might need to modify the activities on more than one occasion. Some common examples of modifications are changes to how questions are worded, adding extra instructions for completing the task, or adjusting the information that is aligned to the learning outcomes.

Documenting modifications

It is important for you to record these changes as a reference for when you make further adjustments. It should contain a summary of the reason why you modified the activity and the changes that were made.

Version control

If you are making changes to any of your activities, you should have a system in place for version control. Version control helps you to keep track of the changes and keeps every team member up to date and working on the latest version.

Now it is your turn to practice