CTVSD4/Case studies

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Design case studies

Case studies will ideally allow your learner to dive into and analyse a real life situation that is relevant to their learning. They provide the learner with an opportunity to analyse a problem and provide recommendations on how to overcome the problem.

They can be written or a video and they are a good way of having the learner identify risks and hazards in the workplace without exposing them to the risks.

A well constructed case study comes with some planning. Before you write the story, you should identify the problem and make it relatable to real life.

An example might be a story written for a furniture makers course about a person going to work with woodworking machinery. Write the story as it would occur in real life, but make sure that your story has the main character forget to put on their PPE, not use the safety guard and not check the timber for flaws. This provides the learner with the opportunity to identify these problems and suggest the best solutions.