Artistic media the camera arts/Tasks

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Film and Photographs Challenge Tasks

This challenge is made up of two parts:

  • Film
  • Photographs


The film industry is a major part of many economies and, like other artistic mediums, it reflects and anticipates the culture surrounding it. Now, independent films (those made outside of well-established studios) are having a larger effect on audiences because they can examine themes and ideas beyond what the big studios decide to finance.

Respond to the following questions in the course topic discussions forum:

  • How often do you see films?
  • Do you view films in a theatre or on other digital media?
  • What genre/kind of films do you like?
  • Comment on the role of films to entertain and inform.
  • What is your favorite film of all time? Why?


Photographs (or digital images) freeze a moment in time, encapsulating an idea and the narrative surrounding it.

View the following three photos:

Using the interpretive skills taught in both ART 101 and this ART 102 course, describe the form and content of each of the three images in your personal journal or blog, and also respond to the following questions:

  • What is the subject matter in each image?
  • What do you think the photo is ­­­­­­expressing?
  • How do formal considerations contribute to your interpretation of each photo’s content?

Using the Art Resources links or any other resources or links of your choice, find another example of a photograph and share the link to it in the course discussion topic forum. Then answer the same questions about it.