Two types of activities
Short activities
These are formative activities designed to contribute to your learning experience, networking and interaction with fellow students. These activities generally require between 1 to 15 minutes learning effort. Examples include:
- Short quizzes with interactive feedback (not tracked or graded)
- Microblog posts
- Viewing short videos for reflection.
- Designated forum posts
- Case studies with interactive feedback (not tracked or graded)
- Optional blog posts
Contribution to certification options
Certification of participation specifies a minimum number of microblog, blog and discussion forum posts during the course.
Substantive E-Activities
E-Activities are more comprehensive learning activities ranging from 1 to 3 hours of learning effort. The E-Activities require the learners to create something and the majority require learners to publish a blog post because we believe that the public sharing of ideas contributes to the quality of learning for both authors and readers. E-Activities contain:
- A clear statement of purpose
- Suggested stimulus links on the web which are selected to initiate the E-Activity
- A list of suggested tasks
- A statement of learning outcomes required to demonstrate your learning.
Contribution to certification options
Certification of participation specifies a minimum number of E-Activities. The outputs of many of the course E-Activities are specified requirements for the final assignment in the course for learners seeking formal academic credit.