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Preparation of the field for cultivation


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  • First you have to clean the land.
  • This includes removing large trees, big roots and stones that will interfere the growth of the plants.

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  • If your land is a flat and well drained one,it is good for tissue culture banana cultivation.
  • The best soil must be darkly brown color soil rich in decomposed organic matter.
  • If the soil has excess water, you should dig the drains to remove excess water from the field.
  • As I mentioned earlier, the plants are very small and not much adapted for the environment
  • Therefore you should grow fence of plant to stop high wind to avoid wind damages
  • These are we called as wind breaks


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  • Wind split the leaves
  • Then reduce the photosynthetic area. It will reduce the yield
  • Wind also collapses the plant
  • Therefore, you can plant Gliricidia, Sesbania as wind breaks
  • You can get additional income from Sesbania used as a leafy vegetable
  • Sesbania can get Nitrogen from environment and add Nitrogen to the soil again
  • Gliricidia is used as food for animal and also used as a mulch


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  • Now you should prepare the pits for planting.
  • To do this you have to prepare large pits 2' x2'x2'in size.




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  • You can fill large amount of compost.
  • So it will give high nutrition to the plants.
  • Root system can easily distribute.
  • You have to maintain 10'x10' spacing between two plants and between two plants.


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  • Banana is a sunlight loving plant.
  • To produce food, banana plants need more sunlight.
  • Therefore, increasing spacing helps to get sunlight without any barrier.
  • It will also helpful to maintain desirable height of the plant.
  • Spacing of this type will ensure the maintenance of the cultivation for 5 years.


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  • Remove first 1/ of surface soil separately.
  • Then remove next 1/ of deep soil separately.
  • You have to use 1/ depth of soil to fill the pits. It has more nutrient than other depth
  • You have to mix organic fertilizer such as compost, cow dung, poultry manure or goat manure with first depth of surface soil.
  • You can mix them in following rations;
Surface soil 1: poultry manure ½
Surface soil 1: goat manure ½
Surface soil 1: cow dung 1
Surface soil 1: compost 1
Then you have to add that soil mixture to bottom of the pit and fill other half using next bulk of the soil with little height from the ground level.


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To avoid rotting the base of the plant.
Then keep the pits for about 14 days.


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  • Decompose them and increase the microorganism activities.
  • Allow to well set the soil in the pit.
  • You should mix the things in the pit again before planting.
