Takeaways request
Email 1 - re: would you be willing to help
Hope your day is going great!
I am wanting to try out an activity in the class, and I need 2-3 people to help out - It will take maybe 10 minutes of your time.
There won't be any marks for this, however, you will learn a valuable skill - that is pertinent to business / proposal development and engaging people in business and organizations.
I have created a demo link on the wiki called "Takeaways" - see: http://wikieducator.org/Writing_for_business_and_professions/Takeaways
Basically, it's a quick writeup of what the Takeaways for me, were in Week 1. What I want to test, is if I post this in a Forum, whether people will respond, and add their own Takeaways. But before I open it to the larger class, I want to have "success" beforehand - which is 2-3 people who respond.... (get it?)
In future too, I might not be the Lead Post-er - it might someone else from class.
Let me know - and no worries if you're not interested....
- Prof. Randy