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Week 1 - Course Intro, Syllabus Review

1. Proposal writing easier if based on professional interests; focus on solving a problem; importance of research

2. When you see a problem that needs solving, an injustice or just something in the news, use critical thinking skills to consider it as a proposal opportunity:

  • Would someone fund it? (patron)?
  • Who does it affect? (population)?
  • What needs to be addressed? (problem)?
  • What disciplines could be involved in shaping a plan? Models for success? Research that would help? (Paradigm)?
  • What would be the plan of action (plan)?
  • What would be the budget / cost (price)?

3. The importance of positive, constructive feedback that is encouraging, supportive and motivating, not condescending or demeaning. Doing something new, is is often a cause for worry, concern, self-doubt, and judgment).

Changes, Adjustments, Modifications, Tweaks

  • When a student asks a question, and I provide information to him / her, I will also share the information with the rest of the class. Private / confidential information will not be shared. If there is any doubt, then I will ask the student first, and receive permission in writing (via email, with a date and a "YES").