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The Navigator

The Navigator

So, that's the basics for editing long documents. Now let's have a short look on another useful tool in OpenOffice.org, a tool that really helps editing really large documents. The Navigator! As the name already assumes, this serves a totally different purpose than the Stylist. Don't mix it up with the Stylist, you can open the Navigator...

  • by pressing F5
  • or via Edit -> Navigator.

If we assigned the appropriate Paragraph Styles to our headings, it is much easier to navigate through our document. Just double-click the entry (heading, table, note, graphic, whatever...) and the cursor automatically jumps there. The Navigator gives you a really nice feeling of complete control over your document. Its usefulness increases literally exponentially with the size of your document.
So, that was our small introduction into the wonders of OpenOffice.org Writer. I hope you enjoyed it and got something out of it.