World history/WHME101/Announcements5

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Dear Student,

Welcome to Session 5 of World History: The Early Modern Period. You can access all course materials for this micro-course on the website at anytime:

In this session we learn about the Reformation and Counter-reformation. During this period the Catholic Church possessed enormous political power as well as great influence over people's everyday lives. The Reformation deeply challenged this power. Key figures such Martin Luther contributed to a long period of religious turmoil in Europe. Learn more about this tumultuous time in Session 5.

Remember, its a great idea to write a blog about your learning (and include the #whme101 course hashtag so a link appears in WEnotes), to reflect on your learning by posting a comment on WEnotes or to post a comment on our course forum. All of these activities can help you to build and consolidate your knowledge.

Enjoy your learning,


Course developer