Word processing/Heart at work

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Putting Your Heart to Work

Something's desperately missing in the workingworld- the place where we spend over sixty per cent of our life. It is no longer enough just to make a living at work. People want more meening and fulfillment in the workplace.

Heart at Work is a compilation of personnel stories from workers, mangers, corporate leaders,trainers and consultants who share there experiences about what makes work more humane. According to Canfield, the author, there are 8 keys to help managers enhance the self-esteem of their employees. They are:

Heart at Work is a book full of humorous illustrations, cartoons an comic strips that reiterate the points in an article and which make reading light and fun.

Respect others. Listen attentively, maintaining eye contact, as well as avoiding giving advice,lectures or using a condescending tone.

Enable and empower. Give people the knowledge and skills they need to be successful on the job. Enabled people feel good about themselves and empower them to accept responsibility for their lives.

Act consistently. Behaviour is consistent when it is in character and is aligned with personal and organisational values.

Create safety. An environment is safe when people feel they can give input openly without fear of ridicule or reprimand.

Teach personal limits. Tell people respectfully that their behaviour is unacceptable.

Investigate performance discrepancies. Here, a manager needs to take the effort to understand what is causing the discrepancy before taking action too correct the problem.

Observe behaviour, then provide constructive feedback. Managers should be specific about an employee's performance strengths, then provide improvement feedback.

Nurture potential. People with low self-esteem are often as frightened of their virtues as they are of their shortcomings. Managers need to sea and develope achievers and champions in their employees.

As a whole Heart at Work is a book that you would want to read now and then, even after reading it from cover to cover.