Word Processing, Presentation, Web Design

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Teacher: Wendy Wilson

Country: Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies

Assigned School: Five Rivers Government Secondary School

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Word Processing Objectives

Word Processing

Students should be able to:
  • select appropriate editing and formattting features in preparing documents.
  • describe available features.
  • combine and import documents
  • use mail-merge features, columns and tables appropriately.
  • use headers, footers, footnotes and endnotes appropriately.

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Presentation Objectives


Students should be able to:
  • identify the uses to which presentation software can be put to.
enhance slides using:
  1. speaker notes.
  2. inserting
    1. graphics and moving pictures.
    2. animation effects.
    3. design templates.
    4. appropriate slide layouts.
    5. wizards
  3. present a slide show.

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Web Page Design Objectives

Web-Page Design

Students should be able to:
  • plan a website.
  • create web-pages and hyperlinks.
  • test their website and
  • publish and maintain their websites.

Source: Information Technolog Syllabus CXC 30/G/SYLL 08