WE Collaborate
WelcomeWE Collaborate is a community space for developing OERs using the Wikipedia model. Although someone starts a page, there is always an open invitation to add and update. Be bold. Join in! Anything in this collection is explicitly designated for community collaboration. Please list your projects if you want other WikiEducators to come and collaborate. Check back often to see where you can help. | |
Things you can doReviews, feedback and suggestions are always greatly appreciated if you are looking for something small to start with.
These are just to get you thinking. Add your suggestions. Do what you would like to do. edit
Promoting collaborationHow can WE get more educators to collaborate on open resource development? Projects, prototypes, wild ideas welcome. .. Please add to the list of suggestions or join the discussion. edit
Pilot projectScience6 - Science for 6th Graders Developing and reviewing activities for Sixth Grade Science (ages 11-13) including Earth, Life, and Physical Science and Applying Math and Science. |
Collaborators invited
These are just a few of the WE collaborative projects
WikiEducator community projects - WikiEducators have great project ideas and never enough time to do them all.