From WikiEducator
An aggregated miniblog feed from WikiEducator, Twitter, Moodle, and learner blogs.
- tag
- tag to follow (defaults to wikieducator), it must not be prefixed with '#'.
- count
- number of items to display (defaults to 20)
- context
- (optional) set context=path if you want your feed and posts from a given MediaWiki or WordPress WEnotes instance to be indexed to a specific page (URL path) on which it appears and not just to a tag.
This allows for page-level discussion context, although page level posts will also appear in the relevant tag feed, too.
- language
- (optional) specify a language for the WEnotes feed interface (including button text) - defaults to en_NZ (NZ English), but fr_FR (French) is also available.
Implementation Note
The feed is inserted into a named <DIV> on the page, allowing adding style elements around it.