Web accessibility/WACC101/Feed

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Course Feed

greggy  @greggy
Wondering if toots showup in the #WACC101 course feed.

greggy  @greggy
Happy to see #wacc101 Introduction to Web Accessibility in live. We expect things to get going early in 2020 #accessibility #a11y

greggay  @greggay
Link added: https://www.w3.org/TR... - Accessible Rich Internet Applications The W3C WAI-ARIA specification for creating accessible interactivity on the Web.

Greg Gay  @greggay
WACC101 Introductions: Take a moment to introduce yourself, and read about your classmates.

Wayne Mackintosh  @mackiwg
WACC101 General forum for Introduction to Web Accessibility: Please post any course specific questions and contributions for the Introduction to Web Accessibility (WACC101) micro course by clicking on the reply button below. Questions of a general nature that would be of interest to all OERu...