Warrington School/Planning/Term One 2010
- 1 Warrington/Okahau - our place in the world - past present and future:
- 2 English
- 3 Social Sciences
- 4 Social Literacy
- 5 Science
- 6 Environmental Education
- 7 Physical Education
- 8
- 9 HEALTH- Term 1
- 10 Technology
- 10.1 1. Children will use skills of adaptation and innovation to develop products and/or systems to improve and enchance our Warrington School environment.
- 10.2 2. Understand that technology has an impact on the cultural, ethical, environmental and economic conditions of Warrington in the past, present and its future.
Warrington/Okahau - our place in the world - past present and future:
A whole school theme for term one+ 2010
Use a local artist to help create a large vision map and permanent artworks that:
- Reflect the past and present and give us a shared future vision
- Covers local school features
- Incorporates the wider Warrington community features
- The Blueskin Bay features that could be used as a school mihi
- Shares our Warrington Well-being Way of
- Envirethical concerns - planet and people
- Incorporates ideas suggested by the school, its wider community and reflects the tikanga of our area
Integrated curriculum areas - Englihs, Social Sciences, Science, Visual Art
- Locate, select and interpret visual information from a wide range e.g. videos, pictures, charts etc
- Read, analyse, understand and critically think about messages and purposes of information presented
- Develop skills of effectively arranging, presenting and displaying visual and written information in a variety of formats
- Learn skills which develop legible and efficient handwriting
- Verbally explain their work
- Design symbols that give significant information about the school, its history, philosophy and whakatauki/proverb
- Look at images of Warrington, Maori Gods, photos, artistry, maps, logos etc
- Critically choose and recreate images to reflect the area
- Combine existing images to recreate a new symbol that may be used on a - wiki, signs, label or mural
Pupils create an image (choose genres with pupils) depicting special qualities of the area Teachers collaboratively mediate work samples using Visual Language Matrixand Static Visual Language Checklist
- Class teachers assess their pupil's verbal explanation using the Verbal Language Matrix (to be created)
Social Sciences
- Know about and understand the special features of our local area - language, customs, beliefs, values and ways of life
- How these are passed on from person to person
- How they are sustained
- Share their experiences of being part of community project/organisation e.g surf club, church, beach, Blueskin Bay FM, environmental retoration project etc
1. What they do as part of this group
2. How things have changed
3. What will be the important features that need to be passed onto new people
Social Literacy
Can the establishment of community based projects into a school, improve the social literacy of a school community?
e.g radio station, vision map, environmental restoration project, garden, fund raising event, professional development
- Social literacy refers to a person’s ability to communicate effectively and ethically across society.
They are:
- aware of their place in society and are willing to make a contribution to their society and culture
- able to recognise and understand values, beliefs, customs and practices that differ from their own without being judgemental
Community literacy comes from community participation when:
(a) people understand the community project they are involved in and know its purpose;
(b) people know why they are involved,
(c) people have a meaningful role within the project,
(d) people have made a free choice to be so involved.
http://www.citized.info/pdf/commarticles/Arthur_Davison.pdf Social Literacy Background Information
Pre project survey form
Name ___________________________ Age: Under 8, <10, <12, 12+ Date_______________
Project name _______________________________________________
I have ideas to share for the _____________ project - Yes Maybe No
I would like to help with the ______________ project - Yes Maybe No
I like to help others in my community - Yes Maybe No
I have skills that will help with this _____________ project - Yes Maybe No
These things happen in my community:
The thing I really want to do on the _______________ project is:
This is my drawing/diagram/story of how the _____________ project will look when it is finished:
This ________________ project has been set up because
- The progress of people in social literacy can be recorded through a variety of means including:
- A pre and post survey
- Evidence of progress through the use of personal journals
People involved in community projects need support in reviewing and recording their own evidence that can be used to compile a report on the success of social literacy
Children will learn to:
1. Develop skills and understandings of the living world. (Living World Strand)
Students will learn about living things and how they interact with eachother and the environment. They will develop an understanding of the diversity of life and life processes and of the impact of humans on all forms of life.
2. Develop skills and understandings of scientific methods of enquiry, questioning, observation, information gathering, interpretation and reporting. (Nature of Science Strand)
Students learn what science is and how scientists work.
3. Explore, understand and care for the local and global environment. (Nature of Science Strand)
Students learn to make links between scientific knowledge and everyday decisions and actions and come to see science as a socially valuable knowledge system.
4. Utilise people with specialised local knowledge. (Nature of Science Strand)
Students learn how scientists carry out investigations. They also come to appreciate that while scientific knowledge is durable, it is also constantly re-evaluated in the light of new evidence.
Learning Context
Stream restoration project between beach and school:
- Action Learning Cycle 1. Identify the current situation 2. Explore alternatives 3. Take action 4. Reflect on change
- Work with local scientist
- Work with local community members who support the project
- Enviroschools Kit and handbook
- local scientist
- local community support
Environmental Education
Children learn to:
1. Know and understand the environment and its impact on people and peoples impact on it.
- Stream restoration project, identifying the current situation
- Childrens school gardens
- Orokonui Sanctuary visit
2. Develop attitudes and values that reflect feelings of concern for the environment.
- Stream restoration project, exploring the alternatives
- Activities from Enviroschools Kit, "Me and my environment"
3. Develop skills involved in identifying, investigating and problem solving associated with environmental issues.
- Stream restoration project, exploring alternatives
- Eco-Hut project, indentifying current situation and exploring alternatives
4. Develop a sense of responsibility through participation and action as individuals or members of groups.
- Stream restoration project, taking action and reflecting on change
- Eco-Hut project, taking action and reflecting on change
- Childrens school gardens
Physical Education
First half of term will be focused on aquatics and second half will be ball handling skills.
- Develop confidence in a range of physical skills e.g. ball handling, athletics, aquatics, dance.
Movement Concepts and Motor Skills- Aquatics/Ball Handling
- Develop a wide range of movement skills, using a variety of equipment and play environments
- Practise movements skills and demonstrate the ability to link them in order to perform movement sequence
- Develop more complex movement sequences and strategies in a range of situation
- Acquire and apply complex motor skills by using basic principles of motor learning
- Acquire, apply, and refine specialised motor skills by using the principles of motor skill learning
Key Competencies:
- Thinking
- Using language, symbols, and texts
- Managing self
- Relating to others
- Participating and contributing
- Developing Fundamental movement Skills
- Kiwidex
- Swimming New Zealand Guide
HEALTH- Term 1
1. Children will know about their own bodies and how to care for them.
Context - Sun safety
Health perspective - Our Place in the world - past - present -future.
2. Children will identify local community resources / activities and explain how these contribute to a healthy community.
2.a To develop awareness of recreational activities / facilities in the Warrington area that promote healthy lifestyle choices.
Context ideas - beach, parks, walking / cycling tracks, sports facilities etc
2.b Identify differences in community resources / activities that contribute to a healthy community. E.g cost, equipment needed, accessibility, maintenance, leadership / coaching
2.c Discuss recreational activities and facilities, that were available in the past, make comparisons with present day opportunities. context ideas - interviews with local residents / local history books
2.d Plan local recreational activities and facilities for the future. Contexts - class surveys, individual ideas, design creative games / activities of the future.
1. Children will use skills of adaptation and innovation to develop products and/or systems to improve and enchance our Warrington School environment.
Context Ideas:
- watering system for gardens for over holidays periods
- humane cat traps
- bird feeders where birds will be safe from roaming cats
- garden and plant labels
Technological Practice: Develop concepts, plans, models and fully realised product or system.
Technological Knowledge: Look at how things work, learning how to evaluate design ideas. Have an understanding of the properties of the materials they are using and the impact of these on the way the product will work.
2. Understand that technology has an impact on the cultural, ethical, environmental and economic conditions of Warrington in the past, present and its future.
Context ideas:
- impact transport modes have had on the work/play/family/school lives of people in Warrington
- technological sytems used to collect and retain information in our school - in the past,present and future?
- impact of using Ubuntu and reusing computers on our school and community
Nature of Technology: investigate and question the impact of technology on Warrington and its environment and how the developments and outcomes are valued by different people in different times.
To see Achievement Objective levels see Curriculum document
English Planning
Reading – Close
Develop a love of reading and respect for books
Level One
- Acquire and begin to use sources of information, processes, and strategies to identify, form, and express ideas.
Key Competencies
- thinking
<span style="font-weight: bold;" />
- using language, symbols, and texts
- managing self
- relating to others
- participating and contributing
- Holds the book the right way
- reads from front to back, L to R
- Can indicate the beginning and ends of sentences
- Can match l:1
- Can distinguish between words and letters
- Knows all letter names and sounds including blends
- Able to recall large bank of high-frequency words
- Uses alphabet knowledge effectively as one strategy for working out unknown words
- Uses prior knowledge of context and personal experience to make meaning
- Uses prior knowledge of language structure to make sense of the text
- Focuses on meaning as well as on reading words accurately
- Self monitors and self-corrects by cross-checking cue systems
- Retells with appropriate sequence and recall of key words/ideas
- Independently select books from the class library and picture book section of library and read for enjoyment
- Read aloud familiar texts independently
- Browse boxes
- Library corner
- Poems
- Big Books
- Independent writing activities
- Alphabet books
- puzzles
- Listening Activities
- Worksheet activities
- Reading around the room
- Sequence stories
- Guided text activity and library visits etc ...
Observation recorded during Running Records and Guided Reading sessions (in addition through reading activities and worksheets.)
- Develop confidence in a range of physical skills e.g. ball handling, athletics, aquatics, dance.
- Thinking
- Using language, symbols, and text
- Managing self
- Relating to others
- Participating and contributing
Movement Skills; Science and technolgy
- Develop a wide range of movement skills, using a variety of equipment and play environments