Warrington School/Human Interactions
- Warrington School to be effective in its operations needs to have open processes that models positive relationships
- Assists in mediating issues that arise from human interaction.
- Has procedures that are generic enough to apply to all situations within a school setting.
- To promote harmonious relationships
- To deal with concerns, complaints and disputes in a positive and open manner.
- To address issues raised using protocols that allow for the process of natural justice.
- To to use the process of peer mediation to resolve differences.
- Deal with the issue with the person directly – using “I” statements to inform the other person what it is that has caused concern e.g "I am upset that you have not picked up your books and I get tired from picking up after you".
- Give the opportunity to discuss the concern e.g "Do you have a reason for always leaving your books out?"
- Inform others of what the concern is and how they can rectify the problem using restorative justice principles e.g "I would like you to thank me for picking up your books this time and in the future I would like you to pick up your own books".
If the concern is not resolved
- Seek help if the initial concern is not resolved one to one from a peer or a senior (child) or someone further up the school hierarchy (adult).
- Write down the concern and pass on to person concerned.
- Peer mediation
External services for helping with issues
Flow chart of process
- To be made soon
Old Policy To have problem solving procedures that do everything possible to • achieve positive outcomes • promote good communications and relationships • serves the best interests of the people involved • allows for natural justice principles • give priority to achieving solutions as soon as practically possible • have follow up actions to review the effectiveness of outcomes.
1. INFORMAL LEVEL OF PROBLEM SOLVING - As a general rule, every effort is made to resolve problems at an informal level, through two way discussion.
2. FOUR STEP PROBLEM SOLVING METHOD - When resolution is not achieved at an informal level, the four-step problem solving method is adopted at every point of reference (teacher principal board):
• There is discussion between the parties concerned, to describe and reach agreement on the nature of the problem.
• The actions needed to address the problem as agreed upon, those responsible for taking action are identified, and time-frame is set for the action, A date is agreed for all concerned to jointly review the effectiveness of the action, and to decide on any necessary follow-on actions.
• The problem-solving actions are put in place by those responsible.
• All concerned meet to review the effectiveness of the action.
NB A written record is kept in summary form for problems that cannot be resolved at the informal level. The record describes the problem, the actions to be taken, and the review outcomes.
3. THREE STAGES OF REFERRAL • 1st Stage: Teacher When the concern relates to a particular child or classroom, the initial contact is with the teacher concerned. Teachers keep the principal informed and parent concerns or complaints, and the agreed actions to resolve them.
• 2nd Stage: Principal When the problem has not been satisfactorily resolved within an agreed time-frame; the matter is referred to the principal.
• 3rd Stage: Board of Trustees If the problem is not resolved after reference to the principal; the matter is referred formally to the board.
EFFECTIVENESS REVIEW 1. This policy will be reviewed according to the Board’s self review timetable. 2. The review will be conducted in the form of a parent and staff survey, using the objectives listed above as the criteria for determining the effectiveness of the policy in action. 3. The board will make its review report available to parents and staff.