Warrington School/Emergency Procedures
From WikiEducator
Emergency Procedures
First Aid
- For minor injuries treat and place details in accident register
- Mild head injuries treat and phone call parents and monitor pupil for concussion
- Severe injuries administer first aid and phone 111 and then phone parents
- Staff member to accompany child to hospital if parent or caregiver not present
Only under exceptional circumstances should staff administer any medication - if a child is sick they should go home
- The teachers will use the word “DROP” when an earthquake is felt. If you are outside, stay outside until the event is over
- Teachers must look after themselves - keep themselves safe, not be concerned about children who are in the wrong place
- Children are then to place themselves under a table until the “all clear” signal is given. Teachers will say “all clear”
- Stay inside if possible. (If the building is structurally damaged go outside and stay outside)
- If there are not enough tables children will kneel, bow, place arms overhead. All children will move away from windows - and turn away from the windows
- Treat injuries and put out small fires, evacuate if fires can't be controlled
- Be prepared for aftershocks and turn off water and electricity if it is safe
- Listen to the radio for civil defence advice. Tune to National Radio, Newstalk ZB, Classic Hits, More FM or Radio Live. Use car radios as alternative
- Strong earthquakes evacuate as for a Tsunami
- The evacuation signal is a continuous - ringing of the hand bell or shouting of “evacuate evacuate”
- Children are to move out to the tennis court and assemble in an orderly fashion under the guidance of the teachers
- Teachers to take attendance registers, check the toilets, library, classrooms, admin block, sickbay and staffroom to ensure that no children are left in the buildings and that the doors are closed
- Teachers will call the class roll
- Principal or designated teacher to collect first aid kits from staff toilet and Emergency Folder from office desk
- Phone the Fire Brigade, or organise for someone to ring – 111
- After a severe earthquake or alerted by authorities of a possible Tsunami evacuate as above
- Walk or transport children past the playcentre, hall, up Perry Street and up to the top of Porteous road
- Take warm clothing, Emergency Folder and first aid kits if easily accessable
Aggressive Person or Animal
- Stay calm, guide person/animal away from children, alert another adult of situation by sending a pupil saying - “emergency”
- If person/animal is highly agitated and not able to be shifted move children away to safe area in another part of school or from school grounds – see Tsunami and phone 111
- If it is a highly agitated pupil phone parents immediately. If not contactable phone 111
Storms, Floods, Volcanic Eruptions and Pandemic
- Use the inside of the Yellow pages phone book as guide
Winter Weather
- School closure or delayed start – this will be relayed on local radio stations and available on 4717555 or 4748426
- Do not drive in dangerous conditions or when the road is closed
In Case of Emergency
- Contact - Board Members, bus driver and local parents identified as nurses
- Emergency Folder is under or beside the phone on the office desk and and first aid kits are in staff toilet cupboard
- Use common sense, stay calm, no heroes and follow Civil Defence instructions
- If children are not picked up by parents/caregivers they will remain the responsibility of school staff members