Warrington School/Curriculum Planning/Room 3 Planning 2013

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Room 3 has a class blog - ask Mrs Russell how to access it.

Whakatauki: Hinana ki uta, hinana ki tai – search the innermost lands, search the outermost tides

Class:  Junior: Year 1 – 3 (Wendy Russell)

Big Picture Theme:  The Life Cycle of the Monarch Butterfly (Room 3 Little Munchers)

The children were captivated by the story, of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". Their interest in the life cycle of a butterfly was further developed with other activities including past visits to the Butterfly Sanctuary at the Otago Museum.

Aim: Ecology -

Children will learn to:

(L:1,2) Recognise that living things are suited to their particular habitat.
Key Competencies: Participating and contributing - Are confident to participate within new concepts.

Values: - Science Curiosity, by thinking creatively, critically, reflectively.

Thinking Skills: Science- 6 Hats

Goal: Develop an open and enquiring mind towards scientific ideas and natural phenomena and the skills and understanding of scientific methods of enquiry, questioning, observation, information gathering, interpretation and reporting.

Learning Outcomes: Observe caterpillars, record growth rate and changes.

How will this be achieved:

  • Daily/weekly digital photos will be taken by the children to record and chart the changes in the life cycle as it happens.
  • Purchase swan plants. Leave the swan plants outside to attract the butterfly and bring indoors when eggs have been laid.
  • Set the plants up in a warm sunny spot.
  • Gather up books about butterflies and encourage children to visit the library.
  • Use magnifying glasses to look at caterpillars and butterflies.



Achievement Objective Being Assessed:

Creating Meaning

Purpose and Audience:

Level 1

  • Recognise how to shape text for a purpose and an audience.

Level 2

  • Show some understanding of how to shape texts for diferent purposes and audiences.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Visually represent a retelling of the story "The Hungry Caterpillar" by writing and illustrating their own Hungry Caterpillar book.

Year 2 and 3 - Present their completed books to an audience.

Transactional Writing:

Achievement Objective:

  • Write instructions and recount events in authentic contexts.

Learning Outcome:

  • Observe and describe the life cycle of the Monarch Butterfly.


Children will use simple poetic formats

1. Same-Start Poem Same-start poems start with the same word or group of words.

2. Association Poem Association poems start with a word or a thought. This leads on to another and another - often back to where you begin.

3. Acrostic Poem An acrostic poem uses the letters in a word to begin each line of the poem.

Extension Activities for Children:

Mathematics - Numeracy:

Numeracy will be the main focus during term One. However, to link some fun activities related to mathematics into our butterfly theme, I have planned to do the following:

  • Seriation - small to large. Seriation of numbers.
  • Counting activity sheet. Concepts about middle, patterns, groups. Help children to recognise patterns, e.g. one child standing, one child sitting, and one child standing... etc., then invite the next child to add to the pattern. Other patterns could include: boy, girl, boy, girl ... etc. koohine, poai, koohine, poai ... etc.


For the last two weeks of the term, we will learn basic analogue time.

  • O'clock
  • Half past
  • 1/4 past
  • 1/4 to

Physical Education:

Movement Concepts and Motor Skills.

  • Small Ball skills.
  • Swimming. Swimming will take place during the first 7 weeks of term 1 on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2.10pm.

Assessment: Teacher check list and observations.



Students should be able to: greet farewell acknowledge people respond to greetings and acknowledgements.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Can greet one person
  2. Can greet two people
  3. Can greet more than two people
  4. Farewell Commands
  5. Count to 10.
  6. Know the colours: Red, yellow, green, blue, white and black
  7. Can do simple action songs: Tutira mai nga iwi Mahunga, pakahiwi, puku, hope, wae wae.

Assessment: See Māori Student Profile.

Visual Art:

Children will explore and use skills, techniques and processes through a variety of media.

Draw a caterpillar and show an understanding of form, size and colour.

1. Students will make a plan of their drawing using pencil and paper.

2. Place the transparency sheet on top of the drawing and trace over it using a black permanent marker pen.

3. Turn the sheet over and colour in with coloured markers - this prevents the colours smudging with the black pen.

4. Cut out shapes. As the paper is clear there is no need to cut exactly around the shape.

5. Use a push pin to make a small hole in the top of the shape and attach to the branch with nylon thread.

6. Make another hole at the bottom of the shape and attach published writing - facts/labelled diagram about the "Life Cycle of the Monarch Butterfly." Hairy caterpillars.

7. Fill a length of old panty-hose with cotton wool and add seeds. Make shape of a caterpillar. Water to assist germination. Make caterpillars by cutting off cartons lengthwise. Fill with cotton wool and grow seeds, e.g. water cress.

On completion of unit, room 3 will visit the Otago museum "Butterfly House".

Class: Room 3,  Year 1 – 3   (Wendy Russell)

Term 2 - 2013

Class Description:

Year 3 - 1 male and 2 females

Year 2 - 6 males and 1 female

Year 1 - 2 males and 1 female

"Keeping Ourselves Safe" will also be taught during the term.

Each term our class will have a class goal.  For Term 2 we are remembering to put our hand up when we have something to say during class discussions and not calling out.


This unit will be divided into four sections throughout the term:

  1. A healthy lifestyle - focuses on the benefits of good nutrition ad the problems with junk food.
  2. A healthy diet - focuses on the benefits of good nutrition and the problems wit junk food.
  3. Exercise and fitness- focuses on the benefits of physical actively and how everyone can keep fit,
  4. Self management- focuses on how we can make healthy choices for ourselves to increase our beneral well-bing and self-esteem.


Students will be able to:

Level 1:

  • Describe feelings and ask questions about health, growth, development and personal need.

Level 2:

  • Describe their stages of growth and development needs and demonstrate increasing responsibility for self-care.

Key Competencies:

  • Participating and contributing - Are confident to participate within new concepts.


  • Ecological Sustainability

Thinking Skills:

  • 6 Hats

Special Needs:

  • Students with food allergies.

Underlying Concepts:

  • Well-Being Haurora

ICT Integration:

  • Classroom iPad and computers for research purposes and word processing for poster presentation.

Links to other Curriculum Areas:

  • Science
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • The Arts
  • Te Reo and Tikanga Maori

Learning Outcomes:

  • Recognises the importance to personal health and what is adequate relaxation and sleep.
  • Recognises the need for a balanced diet.
  • Recognises the importance of physical activity.
  • Discuss the students understanding of the food groups in the Food Pyramid.
  • Identify foods that are healthy, and those that we should eat most of and those we eat least of.

On completion of unit, students will plan and individually make a healthy lunch.

Sub Themes for Term:


During the term, we  will perform hands on fun, whole class science (food) experiments making hypothesis/predictions and coming up with a conclusion.

Week 1

  • Egg Squeeze Experiment

Using a boiled egg, a glass bottle, a piece of paper and matches.

  • Magical Milk Experiment

Using milk, detergent, cooton wool bud and food colouring.

  • Digital Clock Experiment

Using uncooked potatoe, digital clock and appropriate wires.

Week 2

  • Crazy Volcano Experiment

Using vinegar, baking soda and detergent.

  • Make an egg float in water

Week 3

  • Dry ice Experiment

Purchase dry ice from Boc Gas.  Collect it and put it in a small sealed chilly bin.  Wear safety gloves and safety glasses.  This experiment needs to be done where children can not touch or inhale dry ice.

  • Dry Ice Bubble Experiment

Same as above, but pur some detergent into the dry ice.

Week 4

  • Floating ping pong experiment using a hair dryer.

Use a ping pong ball and hairdryer on full power.

  • Bread and Mould Experiment

Use bread and a lock lunch bag.

Week 5

  • How to blow up a balloon using vinegar and baking soda.

Use a clean bottle with a neck, half a cup of vinegar, ballon and 2 teaspoons of baking soda.

Week 6

  • How to make lemonade fizzy drink.

Use lemons, water, baking soda and sugar.


Matariki Celebration - This term we will learn the waiata and actions for " Taniwha Song" in time for Matariki to be held during the first week of  June.  Jani Blair will play guitar.

We will also learn our whole school waiata - "Okahau"  - Okahau meaning: Warrington

Visual Art:

  • Local Artist and Art Teacher Juliet Novena Sorrel will work with room 3 students to create Taniwha Masks.  The year 3 students will will with Juliet to create a large Taniwha ready for our class performance at Matariki.
  • Year 1 and 2 students will design and create a Taniwha Mask.

Winter Art:

  • Winter Snowman on Skis

This is a co-operative exercise where the teacher will give step-by-step instructions.


  • Black A4 paper
  • Pencil
  • P.V.A Glue
  • Pastels

'Mobile Ma'king

This will be done with Juliet Novena Sorrel during week 7 of term.


Winter sports will be our focus for P.E

  • Hockey -  Correct hand grip. hitting and trapping techniques will be taught.
  • Rugby - Passing, catching and kicking skills will be taught.
  • Soccer - kicking. dribbling and trapping of the soccer ball will be taught.
  • Mini ball- Dribbling, passing and shooting goals will be taught.

Transactional Writing:

Achievement Objective:

  • Write instructions and recount events in authentic contexts.

Learning Outcome:

  • Enjoy writing.
  • Convey ideas and information clearly, coherently and logically in writing.
  • Use convention of punctuation, grammer, and spelling with growing accuracy.
  • Proof read, edit, and self correct written statements with growing skillfulness.
  • Spell frequently used words accurately.


  • Read, analyse, understand and critically think about messages and purposes of information presented.


  • Express ideas clearly and with confidence.
  • Ask and answer questions.
  • Recognise, appreciate, understand and respotngnd to greetings used by other cultures.
  • Develop skill of conversation.


  • Learn skills which develop legible and efficient handwriting.


  • Running Records, Writing Samples, Sharing News and contributing ideas and thoughts during group discussions.

ANP - Maths -  Focus on Basic Facts Knowledge

Stage 0: Emergent

The student is unable to consistently count a given number of objects because they lack knowledge of counting sequences and/or one-one correspondence.

Stage 1: One-to-one Counting

The student is able to count a set of objects or form sets of objects but connot solve problems that involve joing and separating sets.

'St'age 2: Counting from One on Materials

The student is able to count a set of objects or form sets of objects to solve simple addition and subtraction problems. The student solves problems by counting all the objects.

Basic Fact Knowledge to be taught:

Basic fact Knowledge to be taught:
Addition and subtraction facts to 5

  • Doubles to 10

Stage 3: Count from One by imaging

The student is able to visualise sets of objects to solve simple addition and subtractin problems.  The student solves problems by counting all the objects.

Basic Fact Knowledge to be taught:

  • Addition and subtraction facts to 5
  • Doubles to 10

Stage 4: Advanced Counting

The student uses counting o or counting back to solve simple addition or subtraction tasks.

Basic fact Knowledge to be taught:

  • Addition and subtraction facts to 10
  • Doubles and corresponding halves to 20
  • Tens addition and subtraction
  • Tens that add to 100

'Stage 5: 'Early Additive Part Whole

I can solve addition problems by breaking the numbers up to make the problem easier.

Basic Fact Knowledge to be taught:

  • Addition facts to 20
  • Multiplication and division facts 2, 5, 10
  • Multiples of 100 tha add to 1000


  • JAM
  • Numeracy Strategy Stages Assessment
  • On the spot assessment (Numeracy)


  • Learn whole school song - "Okahau"
  • Learn actions and lyrics for "Taniwha" song with musician - Jarni Blair 
  • Drumming with Hannah Sandler in preparation for Matariki Celebraton.