Warrington School/Curriculum Planning/Room 2 Planning 2013

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Overview of Room 2 Planning – Term 1- 2013 (Room 2 also has a wikispace, for access details please see Janine)


-Integrated activities around our topic of Mini beasts.
-Comprehension activities relating to minibeasts.
-Internet research skills – using google searches suitable for children.
-Poetry- cinquain, alliteration, assonance
-Visual language - The Bee Movie and A Bug's Life (discuss computer animation & themes of each movie)
-Exploratory Learning – time to explore topics of interest on the internet. (cyber safety message reinforced)
-Cloze Reading Activities.
-Resource Books relating to Mini beast theme.
-Author Study – Patricia Grace and Margaret Mahy
-Daily Sustained silent reading
-Shared Reading - Patricia Grace & Margaret Mahy stories.
-Puppet plays – insects and shadow puppets


-Addition & Subtraction Basic Facts up to 20.
-Addition & Subtraction strategies.
-Directions and Map skills.
-Time – Digital & Analogue / Reading Timetables


-Treaty of Waitangi
-Te tinana
-Nga waka - modes of transport
-Nga Toe – colours
-Writing & themes of Patricia Grace – NZ Author

PE / Health

-Swimming x3 a week. Weeks 1-6
-Small Ball skills
-Other bat and ball skills / games


' -The Living World – Mini beasts.


-Painting, Paper mache, puppet making,crayon & dye activities.

Mini Beasts: An overview of our Topic Study: Term 1 2013 Week 2-11

Week 2 - Monarch Buttterfly

  • Label the parts of a Monarch Butterfly
  • Observe Swan Plants in class
  • Watch utube clip of life cycle of the butterfly and complete life cycle chart
  • Using butterfly template use Water colour paints to create a Monarch butterfly
  • Selection of books available for research
  • Google search info and images of Monarch and other butterflies

Week 3 - Spider
  • Minibeast story page – write what you can see in the illustration.
  • Poetry – write a cinquain poem about a mini beast
  • Song writing – to a well known tune write a song about a mini beast.
  • Label the parts of a spider
  • Label Life cycle of a spider
  • Art – Weave a spider web. Use pipe cleaners and pompom to make a spider. Attach to web.
  • Start papermache art project (lady bug)
  • Butterfly fact comprehension sheet
  • Selection of books available for research
  • Google search info and images of spiders

Week 4 -

  • Spider fact comprehension sheet
  • Continue with next 3 layers of paper mache
  • Continue observation of Swan plant and its life.
  • Use Google search words to find info and images of mini beasts.

Week 5 – Ladybug

  • View utube clip about life cycle of the lady bug.
  • Google ladybug facts and read info
  • Bug hunt around the school – in pairs with pad, magnifying glasses and camera check out our school minibeasts.
  • Art – halve paper mache balloons and paint to look like a ladybug
  • Ladybug comprehension sheet
  • Writing – Poetic writing. Responding to poems written about Mini Beasts.

Week 6 – Individual Research Projects.

  • Children to choose a minibeast and use the project sheet to research -habitat, diet, predators and 5 interesting facts.
  • Include a labelled diagram and life cycle diagram.

Week 7 – Individual Research Projects.

  • Children to use their information to create a poster.
  • Children will type up facts into text boxes – clear title, illustrations and border.
  • Children will share their projects with the class, followed by utube clips of each minibeast.
  • The Bee Movie.

Week 8 and 9 (Including, Anniversary Day & Easter Break)

  • Mini beast templates to cut and colour to use as puppets for plays.
  • Create stories which include minibeast info. Practise and perform to classmates.
  • The Ant Movie
  • Insect wordfind
  • Continue to monitor swan plants and observe life cycle changes.

Week 10

  • Make insect shadow puppets . Make up stories, practise and present to class.


Term 2 -  2013 - Planning Overview

Topic Week 1-6. Healthy Eating

Key Fact
Learning Objectives
1. Around the world people choose and combine different foods to make meals and snacks. The total amount and range of foods eaten is called the diet.

- to understand that a range of factors determine what is eaten throughout the world.
- To understand that a variety and balance of food and drink is needed in a healthy diet.
- To understand that different diets may comprise of similar ingredients combined in different ways.

2. A healthy diet is made up from a variety and balance of different foods as depicted in the eatwell plate / food pryamid

- To be able to identify and classify unfamiliar and composite dishes according to the 5 groups depicted in the eat well plate.
- To understand the different proportions of the model in relation to their own diet.

3. A variety of food is needed in the diet because different foods contain the different substances that are needed for health. These are nutrients, water and fibre.

- To understand that all food and drink provides nutrients.
-To understand that energy is provided by the nutrients, Carbohydrate, fat and protein.
-To understand that other nutrients include vitamins and minerals which are needed to keep the body healthy.

-To understand the functions of different nutrients.
-To recognise the nutrients provided by each section of the eat well plate

4. Being active and looking after yourself are important for health.

- To understand that we should all be physically active throughout the day.
- To understand that to keep teeth healthy, we should brush our teeth x2 a day.
-To understand that keeping hands clean is important for hygiene.
- To understand that we all need to keep well hydrated throughout the day

Activities to support this topic include

– powerpoints and interactive games at www.foodafactoflife.org.uk
-individual research – food around the world
- food classification activities
-Classroom Italian food day – children made pizzas and taste tested ravioli, tortellini and fettuccine
Using a juicer -taste testing Apple, orange and pear juice
Carrot juice
Carrot, kumara and pear juice

Keeping Ourselves Safe Programme. Week 3-5

This programme is being taught following the recommended programme in conjunction with our local Police Educators.

Year 5 children are joining other year 5-6 children in Room 1.

Year 4 children are joining Year 0-3 children in Room 3.


Weeks 1 -5

Focus on Multiplication and Division knowledge and strategies.

X2, X5, X10, X3, X4

Then moving on to X6 - X12

Week 6 -7 Statistics Strand

Collecting data, displaying and interpreting data -making links to our Healthy Eating Unit.


  • Exploratory Learning Time for Year 4's on Tuesdays and Year 5's on Thursday
  • Daily Sustained Reading
  • Plays
  • Reading and Comprehension Activites
  • Regular Guided Reading sessions for all groups
  • Weekly Listening Comprehension Activity
  • Regular sustained writing time
  • Handwriting
  • Word study incorporating spelling and grammar tasks
  • Author Study - Lynley Dodd and Kyle Mewburn

PE/ Health

During Term 2 children will have opportunites for learning the skills required for

  • Mini ball
  • Netball
  • Soccer
  • Hockey
  • and regular daily fitness to reinforce our Healthy Eating / Lifestyle Goals


Food Science Experiments - Aim for 1 experiment per week. Some will link to Healthy Eating and some will be for fun and general interest.

Preparing and cooking of Pizza

Cooking and Tasting of different types of Pasta

Juicing and tasting of fruit, vegetable and combined fruit and vegetable juices


Can a potato make a digital clock work?

Can an egg float in salt water?


Preparation of our waiata - Pakeke mai O Matimati and Hoki Hoki Tonu Mai to be performed at our school Matariki night.

Discussion amd activities linking to Matariki.