Warrington School/Curriculum/Term Two 2010

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An ocean surface wave crashing into rocks

Room One

Waves - a cross curricular unit for pupil ages 9-13

Social Studies/Oral and Written Language

Local Goals:

  • Know and think about current happenings and issues in the world about them and beyond
  1. How these have cause and effects
  • Develop an understanding of the local community and global environment
  1. How people participate individually or as groups in local and global issues
  2. How our local decisions have cause and effects at a local and global scale

Who are the people who discovered, research, make and use waves

  • Incorporating Progressive Education ideas into the study so children will
  1. Take increased ownership of their own learning
  2. Choose how they will share their learning
  3. Be encouraged to be actively involved on the Blueskin Bay FM Airwaves

Initial Activity

  • View and share some surf/river rolled rocks and discuss how these rocks have been shaped by the action of waves
  • Talk about how waves effect our lives - list the waves we know about
  • Share books about people and waves e.g radio stations
  • Share progressive education philosophy


  • Ocean surface waves, which are perturbations that propagate through water
  • Radio waves, microwaves, infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet rays, x-rays and gamma rays.
  • Sound — a mechanical wave that propagates through gases, liquids, solids and plasmas.
  • Waves of traffic, that is, propagation of different densities of motor vehicles.
  • Seismic waves in earthquakes, of which there are three types, called S, P, and L.
  • Gravitational waves, which are nonlinear fluctuations in the curvature of spacetime.
  • Inertial waves, which occur in rotating fluids and are restored by the Coriolis effect.
  • Matter waves, which describe the fundamental wave nature of matter.
  • Making waves - a ripple effect through society emanating from someone or something
  • What is the difference between a wave and a ray
  • Energy Waves


  • Whom the pupils may want to find out about
  • Pupil brainstorm/mindmap plan - what they will create in what media/genre
  • Time scale for completion


  • Use Internet, books and other sources to look at chosen form of wave
  • Sharing of knowledge
  • Recording notes, web pages, references

Water activity

  • Drop a various objects (rocks, scissors, plastic cubes etc) into a container of water (school pool is best)
  • Observe:
  1. Ripples - how they move out from the object
  2. The differences between objects - light/heavy and small/large
  3. The time it takes for the water to become still again
  • Record:
  1. Pictures and words describing what happened
  2. Differences between objects and time for stillness on water
  • Explain how the above effects happened
  1. Write or draw linear statements,diagrams or flow charts or
  2. Show how the wave studied is similar/different to water waves - venn diagram

Assessment of Unit

  • Pupils to share their findings based around what they recorded in their plan
  • Pupils to make some type of self assessment - oral, written
  • Tweaks and ideas that I would do differently next time
  • Child age suitability level
  • Suggestions from colleagues - please add directly
  • Progressive education defined for pupils and staff on this wiki

Science - Waves Unit - Room 1


  • Pupils are to:
  1. Develop skills and understandings of the physical world.
  2. Develop skills and understandings of scientific methods of enquiry, questioning, observation, information gathering, interpretation and reporting.
  3. Utilise people with specialised local knowledge.
  4. Develop an open and enquiring mind towards scientific ideas and natural phenomena.
  5. Know how to locate and use information about scientific ideas and events.
  6. Know about and use scientific tools and apparatus safely and appropriately.

Science/Oral and Written Language Unit

What are the different types of waves in our environment, what causes them, and how do they travel? 
What impact do these waves have on our lives and how do we utilise them?
  1. Understand the 8 multiple intelligences and take a quiz to find their own MI strengths
  2. Take increased ownership of and direction in their own learning
  3. Choose how they will share their learning


  • Discuss/brainstorm ideas, knowledge and questions about different types of waves
  • Explore a variety of 'wave' experiments using the approach of
 PREDICT then EXPLAIN (before carrying out the experiment) and OBSERVE then EXPLAIN (during the experiment) 

from Understanding Waves Wave animations The Phenomenon of Sound Waves Simple experiments in Sound Wonderful waves Making sound waves visible

Museum Trip with workshop on waves and particle action:

  • Discuss and share new knowledge (concept map)
  • Children apply knowledge and insight learnt to own project.

Room Two

Science:(and use at Level 1 for Room 3)

Using Blooms Taxonomy into learning goals:


  • develop skills and understanding of Physical World
  • develop skills and understanding of Scientific method of enquiry
  • explore, understand and care  for local and global environment

1.Remember (Knowledge)

Describe what happens when a wave breaks on Warrington beach (Using RAS alert and PAIRS )

Write 10 facts about waves (present as a poster: viewing.presenting, writing, reading skills)

'2. 'Understand (Comprehension)

Explain how sound waves and sea waves are similiar and different (using Double Bubble Map)

Describe in logical steps what you discovered at the Museum trip on Waves (using Concept Map)

3. Apply (Application)

Show how waves work (Predict, Observe, Explain)- experiments with water shallow containers - what will happen when we...?

4. Analyse (Application)

Investigate the factors of wave action on the beach, sand dunes and estuary - will climate change affect Warrington? (using Icon Prompt)

5. Evaluate (Synthesis)

Discuss and evaluate opinion topci related to waves when appropriate (egs: Climate change is good for Warrington. or Children should be allowed to say what they like over the radio waves)

(Using Human continuum0

6. Design (Evaluation)

Design a Poster showing how to be safe in the waves at Warrington (using Publish:Circle:Refine)

Social Studies and Health

Using Art Costa's 16 Habits of the Mind to study and understand

  • the social effects of tsunami including the roles and responsibilities of people in such an event
  • the ocean as a place for physical activity and recreation
  • risks and the use of safe practices in relation to sound waves (Protection of our ears) and ocean waves
  • the workings and components of the ear.

A Habit of the Mind is knowing what to do when you are unsure or unclear of the next step or when we don't know the answer.

The 16 Habits Of Mind are-

1.Persisting – Do stick to it.

2.Communicating with clarity and precision – Be clear.

3.Managing impulsivity – Take your time.

4.Gathering data through all senses – Use your natural pathways.

5.Listening with understanding and empathy – Understand others.

6.Creating, imagining, innovating – Try a different way.

7.Thinking flexibly – Look at it another way.

8.Responding with wonderment and awe – have fun figuring it out.

9.Thinking about your thinking (metacognition) – Know your knowing.

10.Taking responsible risks – Venture out.

11.Striving for accuracy and precision – Find the best possible solution.

12.Finding humour – Laugh a little.

13.Questioning and problem posing – How do you know.

14.Thinking interdependently – Learning with others.

15.Applying past knowledge to new situations – Use what you learn.

16.Remaining open to continuous learning – Learn from experiences. [edit]

During the unit, I will introduce the class to Habit of the Mind, number 15 and number 3. I have chosen two as a starting point. These habits will be encouraged throughout all aspects of the classroom programme

3.Managing impulsivity – Take your time. Effective Problem solvers think before they act. They form a plan of action before beginning. They consider options and consequences before they begin. 15.Applying past knowledge to new situations – Use what you learn. Most of the children are familiar with the Beach and beach safety through living near the sea, attending surf club and surf lifesaving and our school beach safety programme. I will be asking children to draw on their prior knowledge of the beach and safety to study *the social effects of tsunami including the roles and responsibilities of people in such an event

  • the ocean as a place for physical activity and recreation
  • risks and the use of safe practices in relation to sound waves (Protection of our ears) and ocean waves.



  • focus on meaning as well as reading words accurately(level1)
  • locates information on specific topics with support(level 2)


  • identifies and discusses features of layout including font, type, pictures and captions(level 2)


  • gives simple explanations of how and why (level 1)
  • is aware of open/closed questions when clarifying information, opinions and ideas (level 2)


  • be able to paragraph up to 3 ideas (level 1)
  • write explanation that starts with a question,.describes the topic, answers the question, and explains its use.(level2)


  • can represent events/ideas in pictures (level 1)
  • Can use and discuss meaning of colours,fonts, pictures/captions and features of layout when producing poster (level 2)

Health Unit for whole school

Safe passenger, pedestrian and rider

Safe passenger, pedestrian and rider

Social Science - Mini unit on Anzac


  1. Pupils are to:

  1. Know about their ancestors involvement in world wars one and two
  2. Find out about their ancestors innovation, opportunities and challenges faced during these wars
  3. To personally "remember" someone who was actively involved in the wars

  1. A mini unit on Anzac to coincide with celebrations at the end of the first week
  2. Immersion - poetry, stories and videos of NZers or relations involved in the wars

  1. Creating a response to our Anzac study our by having something displayed at Waitati Hall on Anzac Day

  1. Anzacs - share stories/poetry and videos from Auckland Museum Rupert Brooke Mike Subritzky Conscientious Objectors Creative Commons War Songs