Warrington School/Curriculum/Room 2 Planning
Term 1 - 2012 Room 2 - Janine Cotton
Key Competencies - Relating to Others and Managing Self.
The focus for the first few weeks will be on children getting to know one another through games, art, discussions, mini project about 'me'. We will discuss what it means to be 'interdependent'. Children will be asked to identify behaviour expectations that will make room 2 a place to be that is fun and happy so that learning can occur. Children will become familiar with new routines and expectations in the classroom, new children and those transitioning from Room 3 will be well supported by the teacher and other children. The children will be reminded of routines and expectations within the context of the whole school environment. Children will be supported to be as independent as possible in order to manage themselves and their belongings. Skills for relating to others will be practised during games, sharing of work and ideas, class, small group and paired discussions. These key competencies will be discussed and referred to regularly throughout the term.
Visual Language:
This unit of work is called "Visual Comedy". The children will watch several short episodes of Mr Bean. By the end of the unit children will be able to identify body language, gesture, expression and movement as ways of non verbally telling a story. The different settings will be discussed. One dvd has an interview with Rowan Atkinson, we will discuss the character of Mr Bean and the information supplied by Rowan Atkinson.
Visual Language Static
The children will be creating a poster of dinosaur facts - see below. Criteria of a good poster will include- attractive, clear heading, clear writing, border, pictures or illustrations, own words used to convey information. The children will complete a self assessment of their poster and use this information, along with feedback from peers during the presentation phase, when preparing their next poster with their sea information.
The main focus will be developing instant recall of Basic Facts. In particular addition and subtraction facts to 20. x2, x5 and x10 multiplication and division facts. There will be a group of children who will be extending their multiplication and division recall with facts from x1-x10. The children will also be developing their strategies and skills for solving word problems. Highlighted points will include 1) identifying the key words of what the question is asking. 2) Identify the key numbers. 3) Show your working
Measurement Strand.
During the last 2 short weeks of term, the children will participate in measurement tasks. Level 2 Create and use appropriate units and devices to measure lengths, areas, volumes and weight.
Writing - Recount
At level two students will:
- Record personal experience with supporting detail and comment
- Use personal voice
- Use word pictures
- Start to use similies, alliteration and onomatopaiea
- Use adjectives
- Use more correct words than approximated
- Use full stops, capital letters, question marks and exclamations marks
- Use past tense
- Vary sentence beginnings and lengths
At level three students will:
- Express personal responses showing ability to 'high point', focus and write about specific aspects of event rather than events as whole
- can plan, sequence, develop, shape, edit and recraft
- Organise ideas into paragraphs
- can identify and attempt to correct most spelling and grammatical errors
- Punctuate consistently and correctly
- Use a large bank of words and use sophisticated words
The children will work through the steps of a guided inquiry unit. The topic is called "A dinosaur for a Pet". The children will work in pairs to answer direct questions about named dinosaurs from a website suitable for children. When completed each child will have internet time to research one of the listed dinosaurs. Each will prepare and present a poster of facts, remembering to mention its suitability as a pet. This supported approach is to give children skills for completing the next inquiry topic about the sea / sealife. Books and pictures will be available to the children to use as a stimulus for devising their own question/s about the sea. The children will be supported to use the internet and books to find answers to questions they have about the sea. Visual language skills will be revisited as children make their next poster.
PE / Health
Room 2 children will be swimming on Monday, Wednesday and Friday until the end of week 6. Small ball skills of catching and throwing will be practised during skills sessions and games.
We have an awesome selection of translated words in relation to our sea topic to learn.
Some techniques we will be using this term include acrylic paint and PVA mix. Applying first coat using sponges and second coat with brushes.
Crayon and dye images of the sea and sealife.
'Bold text'Miss Donaldson's Planning Term 3
Theme: Rugby World Cup 2011
Reading- Author studies:
- Students will select their chosen authors and read a range of their books, while keeping a detailed reading log including personal opinions
- Students will complete a range of activities on said books, exploring characters, plots and settings
writing- Recount:
- Students will report on the Rugby World Cup games by using current event articles from the newspaper, internet sites and personal knowledge and experiences
At level two students will:
- Record personal experience with supporting detail and comment
- USe personal voice
- use word pictures
- start to use similies, alliteration and onomatopaiea
- Use adjectives
- Use more correct words than approximated
- Use vowels in every syllable when approximating
- Use full stops, capital letters, question marks and exclamations marks
- Use constant tense
- Vary sentence beginnings and lengths
At level three students will:
- Express personal responses showing ability to 'high point', focus and write about specific aspects of event ratehr than events as whole
- can plan, sequence, develop, shape, edit and recraft
- Organise ideas into paragraphs
- can identify and attempt to correct most spelling and grammatical errors
- Punctuate consistently and correctly
- Use a large bank of words and use sophisticated words
- Locate, select and interpret visual information from a wide range e.g. videos, pictures, charts etc
- Read, analyse, understand and critically think about messages and purposes of information presented
Mondays- Statistics:
Statistics involves identifying problems that can be explored by the use of appropriate data, designing investigations, collecting data, exploring and using patterns and relationships in data, solving problems and communicating findings, statistics also involves interpreting statistical information, evaluating data-based arguments and dealing with uncertainty and variations.
At level two students will conduct an investigation by:
- Posing and answering questions
- Gathering, sorting and displaying data
- Communicating findings based on the data
At level three students will conduct an investigation by:
- Gathering, sorting and displaying data to answer questions
- Identifying patterns and trends in context, within and between data sets
- Communicating findings, using data displays
Tuesday-Friday- Numeracy:
Continue to consolidate Number Knowledge, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division basic facts and place value
At level two the students will:
- Use simple additive strategies with whole numbers and fractions
- Know simple fractions in everyday use
At level three the students will:
- Use a range of additive and simple multiplicative strategies with whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages
- Know fractions and percentages in everyday use
Social Science:
Using the Rugby World Cup 2011 Activity Booklet students will gain knowledge, skills and experience to:
- Understand that people have social, cultural and economic roles, rights and responsiblilites
- Understand how people make significant contributions to New Zealand's society
- Kiwi Kids Songs, book 10, songs She’ll Be Right, Lost Property Box
- Whakatauki
- Jump Jam- students will learn and follow dance routines as well as moving in time to the beat of the music
Health and Physical Education:
Personal Health and Physical Health:
Maintain regular participation in enjoyable physical activities in a range of environments and describe how these assist in the promotion of well-being.
- Students will take part in daily fitness activities, working through levels at their individual skill capabilies
- Students will participate in weekly cross country training to develop speed and stamina
Movement Concepts and Motor Skills:
Participate in co-operative and competitive activities and describe how co-operation and competition can affect people’s behaviour and the quality of the experience
- Students will effectively work together while developing ball skills through team sports, such as rugby
- Continue with basic greetings, commands and vocabulary
- Investigate the significance and history of the All Blacks Haka