- Read at Light Blue level
- Demonstrate enthusiasm to explore a wide range of books
- Read aloud familiar texts independently
- Independently select books from the class library and picture book section of library and read for enjoyment
- Retells with appropriate sequence and recall of key words/ideas
- Able to recall large bank of high-frequency words
- Can indicate the beginning and ends of sentences
- Can distinguish between words and letters
- Uses alphabet knowledge effectively as one strategy for working out unknown words
- Uses prior knowledge of context and personal experience to make meaning
- Uses prior knowledge of language structure to make sense of the text
- Knows all letter names and sounds including blends
- Can match l:1
- Holds the book the right way, reads from front to back, L to R
- Focuses on meaning as well as on reading words accurately
- Self monitors and self-corrects by cross-checking cue systems
- Uses pictures and/or illustrations to differentiate between fact and fiction
- Can use illustrations and title to make predictions about content
- Is able to discuss information in small group setting
- Can use table of contents to locate information
- Can identify questions they expect to be answered in the text
- Identify and respond to some environmental signs and symbols at school and in the local community e.g. traffic signs, danger
- Interpret pictures to understand the link between font, colour and illustrations
- Interpret photographs to understand the features of foreground and background
- Interpret simple charts, maps and graphs
- View and recognises effects of some film shots
- Recognises some differences in fonts — colour, bold, upper and lower case, italics
- Able to assigns meaning to facial expressions, gestures
- Actively listens, looks at speaker, acknowledges and responds
- Can follow simple instructions/directions
- As a listener ‘connects’ with speaker e.g. nods, smiles
- Waits for an appropriate time to speak
- Allows others to speak without unnecessary interruption
- Read at – RR 9-10
- Reads a variety of material
- Summarises and recalls concisely including key words, main ideas
- Reads a variety of material
- Scans for specific information
- Extracts and organises information into a variety of visual responses e.g. mind map, retrieval chart
- Reads at appropriate pace, varying pace to suit text
- Uses word sources to check meaning
- Recognises paragraphs, punctuation and surface features displaying knowledge when reading aloud
- Willingly tries unknown words, independently cross-checking to all cue sources
- Confidently uses alphabet, consonant blends and dusters of vowels to solve unknown words
- Self monitors, works at maintaining meaning e.g. reads on
- Identifies fiction and non-fiction sections of school library
- Locates information on specific topics in library with support
- Can read aloud with confidence and fluency,
- Identifies and discusses features of layout including font size/type, pictures/captions
- Identifies, discusses, media forms e.g. newspaper, poster, advertisement
- Can discuss possible interpretation of facial expression, gesture, body language
- Can identify a range of fonts, discuss possible reasons for use
- Can discuss possible meaning of colours
- Recognises and explains international symbols
- Can explain well-known logos
- Handwriting is legible, well-formed and fluent
- Actively listens, makes connections with speaker’s topic/opinion
- Is aware of open/closed questions when clarifying information, opinions and ideas
- tell or retell a story using voice and gesture for effect for an audience
- Uses language, grammar and behaviour appropriate to the occasion
- read at– RR 10-12
- Reads silently for extended periods
- Uses background schema and an extensive vocabulary to make sense of text
- Maintains meaning over longer and more complex text
- Makes inferences based on text and can justify stance
- Summarises confidently including main points/ideas and supporting evidence
- Uses a range of strategies to gain meaning, find information
- Uses syllabification (phonemic awareness) to decode unknown words
- Predicts, confirms and self-corrects confidently
- Identifies features in a variety of media forms e.g. brochure, advertisement
- Explains effects of composition in static images
- Identifies and explains stereotypes in the media
- Discusses and interprets body language
- Discusses effects of caricature and graphic techniques in cartoons
- follows more complex directions and instructions
- Uses a range of questioning techniques to gain information
- Able to listen for key points, specific information
- Read at– RR 12-14
- Justifies critical opinion of language use in cameos of text
- Justifies own interpretation of text
- Selects relevant extracts to justify opinions using skimming/scanning
- Developing strategies to extract meaning from abstract/textural texts removed from own experience e.g. responses such as pyramids/structured overview
- Varies reading strategies using skimming, scanning or close reading according to the purpose and nature of the text
- Uses reading as a functional process to amuse, find answers to problems, learn
- Explains link between visual and verbal features in static images (both own and those of others)
- Identifies and explains the purpose of visual and verbal features in static images
- Identifies and explains use and purpose of film technique when viewing films and video
- Extends participation of others in a groups through encouragement, questioning
- Reflects, evaluates, summarises conclusions reached in group discussion
- Employs effective listening/questioning in interviews
- Can generalise, hypothesis, infer coherently about abstract ideas
- Writing
- enjoy writing
- take risks when writing
- Recount personal experiences, writing events in order
- Plan a recount to include who, where and what
- take part in shared writing on known stories
- retell favourite part of a known story
- use simple poetic formats
- record a set of instructions (up to four steps)
- write a simple letter
- Sound out and represent all substantial sounds in a word
- Spell most high frequency words correctly (Spell-Write lists 1-2)
- Use some interesting words that show some personal voi
- Show some evidence of editing (recrafting and proofreading)
- Be able to paragraph up to three ideas
- Use a range of words
- Using capital letters and full stops
- Creates simple symbols and explains their meaning
- Uses colour, lettering and space to create impact in a poster
- Assigns personal meaning to colours and uses appropriately when presenting e.g. borders
- Can represent events/ideas in pictures
- Demonstrates awareness of neat handwriting, using appropriate posture, grip and spacing when writing.
- Retells a story that is sequential and holds storyline
- Offers personal opinion in discussion
- Actively listens, looks at speaker, acknowledges and responds
- Can give simple instructions/directions
- Connects phrases and clauses using conjunctions when speaking
- Beginning to vary pitch for effect, to enhance meaning
- Gives simple explanations of how and why
- Shares simple recounts/anecdotes with groups and class
- Waits for an appropriate time to speak
- Able to add meaning by using appropriate facial expressions, gestures
- Writing
- enjoy writing
- take risks when writing
- write freely on a range of topics where logical sequence of is clear
- record personal experiences with supporting detail and comment
- personal voice is generally apparent
- able to plan writing (eg mind map, web, list)
- write a narrative story showing beginning, middle and end
- retell known stories
- write poems such as acrostic, sense poems and rhyming couplets
- write instructions using title, lists of materials and explain procedures of up to six steps
- write explanations that start with a questions, describe the topic, answer the questions, explain its use
- write short factual reports
- write a recount
- write an opinion
- Can use write word pictures and is beginning to use similes, alliteration and onomatopoeia
- Use adjectives
- Use some direct speech
- Uses more correctly spelt words than approximated
- Places vowels in every syllable when approximating
- Developing wide vocabulary usage
- Uses appropriate dictionary skills when editing
- Uses punctuation appropriately ( capital letters, fullstops, commas, questions marks, speechmarks)
- Syntax mostly correct
- Uses constant tense
- Vary sentence beginnings and lengths
- Identifies and discusses features of layout including font size/type, pictures/captions
- Identifies, discusses, reproduces (simply) media forms e.g. newspaper, poster, advertisement
- Creates simple storyboards demonstrating knowledge of film shots and techniques
- Can identify a range of fonts, discuss possible reasons for use and use when presenting
- Can discuss possible meaning of colours and apply to presentation e.g. borders, titles
- Recognises and explains international symbols
- Can explain well-known logos and create own
- Handwriting is legible, well-formed and fluent
- responds appropriately to speaker’s topic/opinion
- Can clearly express and justify ideas and opinions in a range of
discussion situations
- Can initiate and sustain a conversation with a range on audiences and use the rules of conversation ( turn taking, listening, connecting, not interrupting, responding)
- Is aware of open/closed questions when clarifying information, opinions and ideas
- Can read aloud, tell or retell a story using voice and gesture for effect for an audience
- enjoy writing
- take risks when writing
- Writes with ease to express personal responses to different experiences, showing ability to identify ‘high point’, focus and write and specific aspects of this event rather than event as whole.
- take notes as a tool of learning
- Beginning to develop ‘writer’s voice’
- Can plan, sequence, develop, shape, edit and re-craft
- Recognise purpose of and write different letter forms
- Write narrative stories showing knowledge of characters, setting, problem resolution and conclusion
- Able to use imagery, descriptive and figurative language ( eg simile, metaphor, and personification)
- Write poetic forms of haiku and free verse
- Write instructions, arguments, reports and letters using clear precise and specific language
- Clearly express a personal viewpoint backed by evidence
- Organise some ideas into paragraphs
- Uses a dictionary and thesaurus appropriately
- Can identify and attempt to correct most spelling and grammatical errors
- Punctuates consistently and correctly (as level 2 plus apostrophe)
- has a large bank of known sight words and using more sophisticated language Speaking
- Initiates/facilitates and leads a group discussion
- Initiates sharing, questioning, justifying, explaining to consolidate learning and assimilate new knowledge
- Can logically and succinctly summarise in oral from written texts or oral delivery
- Can gain/retain audience attention through a variety of techniques e.g. pace, volume, gesture, expression
- Gives complex directions and instructions
- Uses a range of questioning techniques to gain information
- Can use a variety of formal, informal social courtesies
- Uses knowledge of font, colour symbolism for effect when presenting
- Identifies features and reproduces when creating in a variety of media forms e.g. brochure, advertisements, menus,
- Understands effects of composition in static images and uses in own creations
- Plans, storyboards and produces simple moving images using appropriate tools, eg computer, digital camera
- Dramatise plays, stories, poems and factual info
- enjoy writing
- take risks when writing
- writes regularly to express feelings and thoughts, incorporating some detailed description and reflections in accounts of experiences
- Writes expressively, fluently, imaginatively, accurately with ease on a variety of topics including poetry(pattern, pace, beat stanza), script writing, biography and narrative
- Develops character, plot, setting, theme and conflict resolution
- Links ideas logically and makes appropriate language choices
- Write arguments, reports, advertisements and procedures
- Organise and link ideas in a logical way to argue point of view to persuade the reader
- Willing to rework, revise by rearranging, expanding, adding, deleting
- Uses a variety of sentence forms with effect
- Uses a multi-strategy approach to spelling
- Effectively spells words with uncommon patterns, irregularity
- Has developed a spelling/punctuation conscience
- Has developed and demonstrates ‘writer’s voice’
- Extends participation of others in a groups through elaboration, illustration, encouragement, questioning
- Reflects, evaluates, summarises conclusions reached in group discussion
- Uses logic, argument, appeals to feelings of others to persuade
- Sustains coherent argument in formal debate
- Employs effective listening/questioning in interviews
- Can generalise, hypothesis, infer coherently about abstract ideas
- Uses a range of techniques when reciting, storytelling, presenting appropriate to genre and audience
- Present a personally prepared speech
- Use technology appropriately
- Justifies use of font, colour, symbolism, composition and layout when presenting
- Chooses appropriate format for any media
- Plans, storyboards, produces films using a variety of film techniques e.g. shot, angle, composition
- Uses body language to communicate meaning