Warrington School/Board Of Trustees/OLD Financial and Property Management Policy

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Warrington School Policy 4 – Finance

National Administration Guideline 4 According to legislation on financial and property matters, each board of trustees is also required in particular to:
  • allocate funds to reflect the school's priorities as stated in the charter;
  • monitor and control school expenditure, and ensure that annual accounts are prepared and audited as required by the Public Finance Act 1989 and the Education Act 1989;
  • comply with the negotiated conditions of any current asset management agreement, and implement a maintenance programme to ensure that the school's buildings and facilities provide a safe, healthy learning environment for students.
Our commitment:

The Warrington School board of trustees ensures the school’s financial and property resources are efficiently and prudently managed to effectively support our teaching and learning programmes, and to provide a healthy and safe environment for our students and staff.

1. Finance

  • 1.1. The board of trustees ensures Warrington School’s documented financial management procedures are actively followed and monitored for compliance.
  • 1.2. The principal is responsible for the prudent and efficient management of the school’s expenditure and revenue on a day-to-day basis.
  • 1.3. The board allocates funds in a way that gives effect to the priorities stated in the Warrington School Charter and Strategic Plan.
  • 1.4. The board ensures that the school’s annual operating objectives and budget reflect the board’s priorities and obligations.
  • 1.5. The board meets the relevant legislative requirements for the preparation, audit, and publication of annual accounts.
  • 1.6. The board seeks sufficient financial donations from parents/caregivers and the local community in order to have the resources necessary to fulfil the school’s mission, and to pursue its strategic priorities.

'2. Property

  • 2.1. The board of trustees establishes and maintains a strategic property management plan aligned to the future needs of Warrington School.
  • 2.2. The board ensures Warrington School’s physical resources, including buildings, furniture, furnishings, equipment, and other facilities, are maintained to provide a healthy and safe environment for students and staff.

'2. Friends of Warrington School (FOWS)

  • 3.1. The board of trustees liaises with the FOW on fundraising and property matters, in order to promote the use of community funds in ways that best meet the immediate and strategic needs of the school.

Related Policies and Procedures related to NAG 4 (Finance)