Warrington School/Board Of Trustees/Health and Safety Policy
From WikiEducator
Warrington School Health and Safety Policy (National Administration Guideline 5)
Students and staff shall have a safe physical and emotional learning environment. Therefore, the principal shall not fail to:
- take all reasonable steps to protect students, staff and visitors to the school from unsafe or unhealthy conditions
- ensure there is zero tolerance to bullying
- ensure there are effective processes in place for dealing with bullying
- comply with the provisions of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992
- provide a smoke free environment
- ensure a risk analysis management system (RAMS) is carried out where and when appropriate
- seek approval for all overnight stays/camps attesting first to their compliance with (4) above
- consult with the community every two years regarding the health programme being delivered to students
- provide privacy of personal documentation held at the school
- advise the board chair of any emergency situations as soon as possible
Review schedule: Triennially
Under NAG 5 Warrington School also has the following procedures which can be found on the wiki. http://wikieducator.org/Warrington_School/Board_Of_Trustees
- Pandemic Planning
- Education outside the classroom (EOTC)
- Custodial agreements
- Emergency
- Health and safety
- Sexual and physical abuse
- Smoking drugs and alcohol