VirtualMV/Research in IT/Overview/Outputs

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By the end of this page you will be able to:

  • Describe different outputs that can be developed to disseminate your research

The following outputs are typical of the many ways you can disseminate your research. There are generally two schools of thought with regards to publishing. The first treats the research as a complete entity, then once completed publications follow, and the second is publish as you go. The paradigm chosen will often reflect the topic you have chosen (in IT where things change very quickly publish as you go is often the only way to maintain the credibility of the research), and often the opinion of your supervisor.

The types of submissions include:

Experience Reports

Experience reports describe research-based technological implementation for education, that worked well and is now recommended to others.

Full-length Experience Reports (6-8 pages)

Full-length Experience Reports may contain detailed descriptions of research behind the implementation, development, evaluation or other applications. Work reported in Full-length Experience Reports must be original. Short Experience Reports (3-4 pages): Short Experience Reports may contain brief reports of technologies developed, techniques used or results of research. Work reported in Short Experience Reports must be original.

Research Studies

Research Studies present a careful study, with an appropriate use of methodology (e.g., case study, qualitative methods, quasi-experimental, experimental) to support the investigation and stated results. The methodology does not need to be quantitative; it does, however, need to be appropriate to support the claims made by the author.

Full-length Research Studies (6-8 pages)

Full-length Research Studies may contain detailed description of the background research, details of methodology used, findings of the study, interpretation of the findings, and resulting recommendations for other researchers/practitioners. Work reported in Full-length Research Studies must be original.

Short Research Studies (3-4 pages)

Short Research Studies may focus on small-scale research experiments, that may be extensions of author's previously validated research. However, the work reported in Short Research Studies must be original.

Work-in-progress Papers (3-4 pages)

Work-in-progress Papers contain original research frameworks, architectures and implementations, where initial results are available but full validation are not yet done. The originality of the work must be clearly visible.

Reflection Papers (3-4 pages)

Reflection papers are expected to present an argument - with rationale and justification - for a different approach or perspective on solving a current educational problem through the use of emerging technology or through innovative use of existing technology. The work presented in the Reflection Papers must not have been published (or submitted for publication) elsewhere.

Workshop proposals (2 pages)

Workshops provide an introduction to a topic of immediate interest and usefulness to the community and devote significant time to hands-on activities by the attendees. Hands-on activities may include think-pair-share, group discussions, collaborative editing, and programming. Workshop proposers should use the template provided on the conference website to submit their proposals. Workshop proposals will be evaluated for relevance, anticipated interest, quality, and availability of appropriate facilities.

From T4E 2013 (Call for Papers, 2013)[1]

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  1. Call for Papers (2013) The 5th IEEE International Conference on Technology for Education. Retrieved from