VirtualMV/Research Workshop/Research paper template
From WikiEducator
Kim Hagen-Hall's Research Proposal (or Report) template
- Title
- Abstract
- Outline of paper/proposal
- What the research will involve
- Research questions/hypothesis
- Research Methods
- How you will analyse the data
- Introduction [Background]
- Why you chose the topic
- Links to previous research
- Why this is different or unique
- Research objectives, questions or hypothesis
- Justify why the research you are proposing is important or significant
- Literature Review
- Literature that supports the research question. Identify areas for further research from the current literature
- Research Methodology
- Paradigm and epistemology
- Show how you used the lit review to create your own methodology
- Research Design and Method / Findings
- data gathered
- Sample
- process
- constructs
- Exogenous Variables
- reliability and validity
- construct validity
- strengths and weaknesses of the method
- Analysis and Discussion
- Limitations of the study
- Ethical Considerations
- Conclusion
- Summary of main findings
- Quick summary of limitations of the study
- Areas for future research
- Bibliography (if appropriate - usually needed for research project reports, not for journal articles)
- References