Research Workshop - Getting Started
From WikiEducator
We noticed that many of our international students had issues writing reports to our specifications, particularly in the area of citing and excessive amounts of cut and paste.
This workshop are some of our initial ideas.. so feel free to add to help us make this a useful and relevant workshop. Our initial idea is to deliver this face to face but I am keen to build up a Blended/Fully-Online WikiEducator online version.
Time: 2 x 1 hour sessions of about a week apart.
Learning outcomes
- 1 Synthesise information and cite it
- 1a citing: APA referencing in text (intro)
- 1b Referencing: APA referencing at the end (intro)
- 1c How to: skim, summarise, read for understand.
- 2 Answer the question asked (relevant, summary, targeted)
- 3 Structure abstract/executive summary, introduction, [body], conclusion
- 4 Where to go to learn more/better
Pre-Workshop Activity
- Read the article assigned by your facilitator (Use topic area in Course Materials)
- What is the article about (in 2 sentences)?