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By the end of this page you will be able to:

APA Common mistakes

  • Quotes: If your direct quote is longer than 40 characters it should be indented (and quotes are not included around the actual quote)
  • The use of & and "and". & is used in all references where there are multiple authors, and when the citation is in brackets in the text. "and" only occurs when the citation occurs as part of a sentence.

APA Online and Social media citation

Media APA template Example
Blog post <Lastname>, <Firstinitial>. (<Year, Month Day>). <Title of Blog Post Entry>. [Web Log Post]. Retrieved from <website> ?
Email In text citation only (do not include in references)
(personal communication, <Month Day, Year>)
Facebook post <Username>. (<Year, Month Day>). <facebook post>. [Facebook update]. Retrieved from ?
Tweet <Twitter handle>. (<Year, Month Day>). <Tweet message>. [Twitter post]. Retrieved from ?
YouTube video <Lastname>, <Firstinitial>. (<Year, Month Day>). <Title of Video>. [Video file]. Retrieved from<video url>
  • Citing (as part of a sentence)
Verhaart (2012) uses a video to describe how to get started in Microsoft Project 2010.


Verhaart, D. (2012, May 22). Part 1 of 3 Microsoft Project Tutorial. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Web page
Author known
<Lastname>, <Firstinitial>. (<Year, Month Day>). <Title of Web page>. Retrieved from <url> ?
Web page
Author unknown
<Title of Web page>. (<Year, Month Day>). Retrieved from <url> ?
Wikipedia <page name>. (<Year, Month Day). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved
  • Citing (Direct quote - longer than 40 characters)
Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people to create, share or exchange information, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks (Social media, 2013).


Social media. (2013, September 18). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 21:04, September 19, 2013, from

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VirtualMV/Research/Referencing/APA. (2024). In WikiEducator/VirtualMV wiki. Retrieved July 18, 2024, from http:    (zotero)