VirtualMV/MySQL/Interactive Help Desk

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On this page you can post some MySQL code that you are having trouble with.

  • Please keep the code "simple" concentrating on the problem ... not a lot of code with a "small" problem.
  • Post a tweet including the #vmvwiki tag so that we know there is a problem waiting to be solved.
  • Paste the following wiki code when you edit, and put your code where shown.

{{vmv:Source|<source lang="javascript">
Code in here

Posting reward scheme

The rules here are:

  • if it is a complex problem, and you solve it you should be rewarded with a small choc from the person posting, however
  • if it is easy to solve a more substantial chocolate "gift" (like a large chocolate fish would be nice :)

Problem 1: UPDATE not working


  ('Michael's Hire and repair Shop','12 Tui St.', 'Napier',
   '(06) 123-4567','(021) 123-4567', '');

This causes a MySQL Error...

Problem 2: Code looks ok, but MySQL flags errors

Problem: If your code throws errors and you have cut & pasted from another place it may have brought across special characters (like tab) that MySQL struggles with

Solution 1: Check that the filename & path are spelt correctly!

Solution 2: You may need to retype the code. Note: You may find clues if you look at the actual code when pasted into MySQL.

Solution 3: Check ";" are correct or "," in create statements.

Solution 4: If in Select check the order of conditions

Solution 6: Check that you have not used Create Database dbDatabaseCruise i.e. is "database" necessary.

Solution 7: It maybe compressing tabs (you can see it if things that should be separate are joined when displayed in mySQL e.g. tradeNamevarchar(40). In Notepad++ open the file, on the menu choose Edit > Blank Operations > TAB to Space.

Problem 3: SOURCE

If SOURCE h://prog1.sql gives an error 2 (not found) try moving to drive C

e.g. SOURCE c://prog1.sql

Seems that Windows has some file protections.

Problem 4: CSV Files

CSV or comma delimited files can be used to add data to a table. For example you can create a spreadsheet and put all the data in. You then export to a ".csv" file.

For importing a file you may need to use

lines terminated by '\r\n'\

As this is the way windows saves text files.


VmvIcon References.png References

  1. 8.1.1 Strings (2010) In MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 8 Language Structure :: 8.1 Literal Values, Oracle. Retrieved September 10, 2010 from

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VirtualMV/MySQL/Interactive Help Desk. (2025). In WikiEducator/VirtualMV wiki. Retrieved February 12, 2025, from http:    (zotero)