From WikiEducator
Day's End - Report
- Expectations
- QA and QFs
- Case Studies
- Group Discussion
- VUSSC mandated by Ministers of Education; VUSSC to use existing structures and capacity.
- Task for the week‚ (James Keevy f2f workshop leader) refine doc; agree to a framework; plan the agreed mechanism and processes (plan of action); need to work online after this week
- Decisions made here will be presented in 2009 to CCEM.
- More of a network of Ministries of Education to facilitate the development of material.
- TQF not intended as COL's. It is a VUSSC production for small states. The states will need to take ownership.
- VUSSC can help improve APRs
- Establish critical mass of expertise via collaborative work
- VUSSC a collaborative network, not a tertiary institution
- From a network to a consortium, with support from COL.
- TQF – matching outcomes; translating between systems; national and regional systems.
- A linking structure, to build human capacity and strengthen countries.
- COL does what governments ask it to do, not the other way around. COL does not operate like a donor agency.
- Continuity in pursuing objectives not a problem as each meeting deals with a different subject.
- Produce FAQs about VUSSC
- Looking for directions
- Link other QFs and accreditation systems with the TQF; Ensure that there isn’t duplication.
- Compatibility; transferability
- Challenges of the Virtual University
- Refining the concept doc
- Learning from the experience of others
- Implementability; Feasibility of concept
- philosophical/theoretical clarification
- Networking with other countries
- Credibility; transparency
- Mechanism, processes and principles to recognize VUSSC courses
- VUSSC support for strengthening national systems
- Specific needs of this group and how the needs could be met
- Agreement and consensus on way forward; consensus building; community of practice.
- Need to leave here with a sense of ownership
- How the TQF relates to eLearning.
QA & QFs
- Fora for QA
- Conventions for academic mobility covering six regions re recognition of qualifications
- Comparability by 2010 (Bologna process)
- Guidelines for cross-border education (guidelines distributed).
- More than 60 countries have adopted external accreditation system.
- Degree mills false links to Unesco; portal of recognition being developed. 14 countries participating.
- QA in small states – new initiative
The Singapore Model
Lee Kok Hong‚ MoE‚ Education & Training
Phases of Singapore Educ System
- Survival driven; bldg more schools; equipping students with skills to support industries;
- Efficiency-driven: streamlining school types; ensuring quality via inspectorate system
- Ability-driven: thinking schools; learning nation; school autonomy and cluster system; flexibility and choice
QA in Schools
- Now, self assessment and external validation
- Searching for a framework Europe, US and Singapore Q Award Model
- Evolving own framework
School Excellence Model
- Core values (students first; teachers key; leading with purpose; systems support; working with partners; management by knowledge; continuous improvement and innovation. People + systems = organizational excellence);
- Framework (enablers driving key performance results);
- external validation (once in every 5 years; based on self-assessment report; MoE appointed external validation team of trained SAB assessor/s and external assessors (from NIE, polytechnic e.g. & MoE people as well)
QAF for HE
- Universities, polytechnics and other HEIs.
- 3-5 year cycle‚ instit. self-assessment; feedback
- Governance and leadership; management and strategic planning; teaching and learning; service (framework criteria)
- External review panel from overseas
Mr Renganathan‚ Singapore Quality Class (SQC) for private education organizations (PEOs).
- To establish Singapore as an education hub
- Aligned to international standards
- Voluntary
- Pre-Q requirements must be maintained for them to remain in good standing
- Continuous improvement‚ minimum score 400 (out of 1,000 points)
- Benchmarks for student recruitment
- Private schools not allowed to award degrees but can partner with overseas universities (Australia, UK and USA).
Sharon Tan‚ QA system
- WDA development of a skilled workforce
- Organizational accreditation and course accreditation
- Organization: mgt; financial practices; learner support and services; admin practices
- Course: design and dev; trainer and assessor requirements; facilities and equipment
- Continuous improvement review processes – undertaken once a year; effective design & delivery; ability to deliver outcomes; fulfillment of continual improvement requirements; viability of the organization; free from breach of terms and conditions
- Capability development. Build competency-based training
- Summary: focus on capability dev; emphasis on CIR; simplify accreditation process
- WDA;
Qualifications frameworks as a global phenomenon
- About 70 countries have QFs; all QFs not the same.
- USA not involved in a QF; Germany only recently involved.
- Point of departure in this exercise is to start with what the states have and build upon that.
- Issue of a state being too small to have a qualifications framework. Not enough people; too expensive (do all countries need a QF?).
- How we stop the brain drain lies elsewhere, not in having a QF.
- QA necessarily comes with a QF (question raised)
Case Studies
- Long discussion/consultation period on the way to creation of SQA
- From certificates through to doctorate level covered by the framework
- Providers and employers were engaged
- Stakeholder engagement to promote awareness
- Strategic and corporate plan in place.
- Benefits‚ national equivalence and comparability of qualifications; facilitates international comparability; career dev opportunities; recognition of prior learning;
- Challenges‚ ambitious pr5oject; additional support required; need for database on labour market requirements; need to train resource people and establish local templates; continuation of QA work; funding (donors could be very directive).
- TQF will be relevant to the development of NQFs/RQFs
- Built from the bottom up through an elaborate process of engagement and consultation
- 10-level framework
- Challenges – capacity internally and to facilitate change; limiting conflicts of interest; getting public acceptance; keeping stakeholders continually in the loop; MoUs with professional bodies; delineating the role of SQA vis-à-vis existing modalities, e.g., within the MoE – turf issues
- Difference between SQA and NQF
- Autonomy of SQA
- NQF has occupational bias, reconciling autonomy with emerging HE system
- Overcoming old habits
- Articulation with other NQFs (comparability and access)
- Achievements – small and nimble; communities of trust; progress in dev of NQF;
- recognition of foreign qualifications; building capacity; sown seeds for implementation of aspects of NQF
- 10 reps from the Caribbean
- Most countries do not have a NQF or Accreditation bodies; working on RQF
- Academic and TVET, RQF intent to allow for a seamless progression in qualifications transfer
- Responsibilities of partner institutions‚ MoEs, CXC,
- Level 1-5, from entry level to advanced level.
- Benefits – descriptions of knowledge and skills; skill demand vs. supply; portability; career choices; development of CARICOM; integration of Caribbean workforce; realize mobility;
- Transparency and trust needed.
- Shift from Framework to Register
- Labour/educ mobility
- Quality assured qualifications locally are registered
- QA and Q control procedures
- RQR doesn’t interfere with national qualifications
- Further definition of the virtual university
- Applies not only to small states (Commonwealth QF for small states?)
- Framework should include all levels of education
- Develop action plan to include a costed implementation plan
- Increase access and mobility, and quality
- Clearer definition of the VU concept
- Implementability and available support from COL
- Interrelationships between QFs
- Ownership
- Purpose of TQF, how it will be developed
- Elements that should go into TQF: e.g., what is meant by QA, accreditation
- TQF should aim for similarities, benchmarks, standards
- Definitions, levels of descriptors, entry levels, duration
Med & Indian Ocean
- Definition of VUSSC‚ virtual, loose, not a legal entity
- Other countries could be involved
- Seems directed at vocational training
- Portability
- Need for a TQF was questioned. Small states w/o own NQF need it
- Is it premature at this point to talk about a TQF that is limited in its scope?
- Concentrate on concept rather than definitions
- TQF useful organism to guide own work
- TQF only for VUSSC? Yes but used for universal application or reference