VUSSC/Singapore BC/team leaders meeting/Day 1
Session 1
Facilitator: Mr. Paul West, Director Knowledge Management and Information Technology, The Commonwealth of Learning
Participants Team leaders:
- Mr. Tauvaga Vaai - Samoa
- Mr. Philip Serracino Inglott – Malta
- Mrs. Patricia Benn – Antigua
- Mrs. Shokahle Dlamini - Swaziland
(Unfortunately, the team leader from Swaziland arrived on day three of this meeting)
- Ms. Lim Wei Ying – Coordinator for the Singapore boot camp
After the introductions, Paul gave the overview of the activities of the Commonwealth Of Learning and VUSSC. The responsibilities of the team leaders, the ministries of education, institutions, interlocutors, and boot camp participants were outlined to ensure that all participants were aware of their responsibilities.
Session 2
Facilitator: Dr Wayne Mackintosh Wayne shared the COL reasons for using open source:
- The freedom to study and apply the information (examine, alter and apply)
- The freedom to redistribute copies (sell, swap or give away free – as part or independently)
- The freedom to distribute modified versions (i.e. the ability to improve regardless of the intended use of the modified version), taking into account any restriction below
Session 3
Considerations: What content should be used in Singapore? How do we promote community development? Do we work on one project or should there be a number of different themes?
The Focus of this COL initiative: Professional development for educators Some of the possible areas for discussion in March:
- In-service development of teachers
- Upgrading of teacher skills
- ICT for education
- How to convert traditional programmes to distant/e- learning
By the end of the day participants agreed that by the time we would have decided on the content that
- it should meet the needs of the member states
- a rationale for taking the course of action should be provided