VUSSC/Singapore BC/Bootcamp Agenda
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Mon 12th
Opening ceremony
- Introductions - Getting to know you
- Special introductions to Wiki
- Pairing wiki buddies
- Registration
- Update personal profile pages
Tue 13th
- Expectations, deliverables & terms of reference for bootcamp (1hr)- team leaders
- Video conferencing on distance learning pedagogies (10am)- Wayne (COL)
- Group Activity (4 grps of 6)- Brainstorm workshop outline on wiki (1hr) - team leaders (Tauv to facilitate)
- Consolidation - guide participants to arrive at the 12 topics (1hr) - team leaders (Tauv to facilitate)
- Understand what is free content (review online tutorial 15min) - self-learning
Group work (in 6 groups of 4)(rest of day)
- Identify free content (identify what is lacking to satisfy the workshop outline)
- Brainstorm design template on wiki
- Consolidation - team leaders
Wed 14th
- Presentation on open source and open content - video conference with Wayne (COL)
- Presentation on design on visual design principles & practice (NIE)
Thur 15th
- 6 Topics to be developed from 14th (wed) to 16 (fri)
- Grouping - 6 groups of 4 (& 2 natural leaders)
- Timing - 0900 to 1200
- Team leaders role -
- Instructions:
- Think of how to faciliate the topic
- Write the content on wiki
- Complement the content with sound instructional principles e.g. content layout in wiki, handout development etc.
- Upload the resources on wiki e.g. images, slideshows
- Continuation - 6 Topics to be developed from 14th (wed) to 16 (fri)
- Grouping - 6 groups of 4 (& 2 natural leaders)
- Timing - 1300 to 1700
- Team leaders role -
Fri 16th
- Review
- Each group should read other groups contributions on wiki
- Discuss the contributions
- Each group should give a maximum of 2 constructive feedback
- Timing - 0900 to 1200
- Arrangment - virtual review at various locations on campus (NIE to facilitate)
- Group activity - continuation of content development
- Work on feedback received
- Make revisions on wiki
- Timing - 1300 to 1700
Weekend 17th and 18th
Mon 19th
- Remaining 6 Topics to be developed from 19th (mon) to 21st(wed)
- Grouping - 6 groups of 4 (& 2 natural leaders)
- Instructions:
- Think of how to faciliate the topic
- Write the content on wiki
- Complement the content with sound instructional principles e.g. content layout in wiki, handout development etc.
- Upload the resources on wiki e.g. images, slideshows
- Continuation of content development
Tue 20th
- Presentation of mindmaps (1hr) - NIE
- Presentation on moodle (1hr) - NIE/Philip team leader
- Hands-on practice
- Continuation of content development
Wed 21st
Visit to SMU
- Review
- Each group should read other groups contributions on wiki
- Discuss the contributions
- Each group should give a maximum of 2 constructive feedback
- Timing - 1300 to 1700
- Arrangment - virtual review at various locations on campus (NIE to facilitate)
Thur 22nd
- Grand review - derive framework
- Continuation of framework development
Fri 23rd
- Planning for a 1 hour workshop
Weekend 24th and 25th
Mon 26th
- Group activity - Conducting a 1 hr workshop based on any of the topics developed
Tue 27th
Wed 28th
Thur 29th
Closing ceremony