VUSSC/Content/Tourism/Customer Care/Summary of Unit 3

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What have we learnt in this Unit? We learnt how a range of services are provided and some important issues that determine service quality in the tour guiding operations. This Unit helped us to have a good picture of service delivery.

We stressed on the importance of understanding clearly the needs of our customers including those having special needs. This requires a number of skills such as listening skills and questioning along with patience and empathy. We also looked at the expectations of our customers when they seek public services.

Tour guiding services are delivered based on customer needs in line with organisational polices, internal procedures, code of ethics, customer charters, conventions and legal/statutory provisions. We also looked at the impact of fast integration of ICT in service delivery.

These parameters in fact ensure that customers are treated fairly and consistently with a reliable service.

The next Unit will deal with some planning aspects of customer service excellence.