VUSSC/Content/Tourism/Customer Care/Introduction to Unit 2

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In the previous Unit we discussed about what constitutes customer service excellence. You will agree that any organisation/agency delivering excellent quality service will benefit from good publicity through the word of mouth about the excellent service.

Diverse types of tour guiding services are provided to customers. It is useful to realise that the rapid developments in information and communication technologies is changing the way you and your services are perceived by your customers. Tourists have increasing expectations. They are well informed about the various services and the standards of such services from different providers. What are the reasons for implementing customer service excellence? This is what we discuss in this Unit. We will be looking at the rationales based on

  • Increasing customer consciousness about getting more than just value for money;
  • Increasing expectation from the customers for quality tour guiding services;
  • The need for rationalisation and optimisation of resources at your disposal;
  • The pressing need for improving effectiveness and efficiency;
  • Demand for more transparency and accountability;
  • Good governance and duty principles;
  • Legal requirements;
  • Best practices guided by code of ethics and customer charters.