User talk:Summer2018

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Summer student looking to expand my English knowledge 015:44, 30 July 2018
Disaster Prediction014:06, 23 July 2018

Summer student looking to expand my English knowledge

My Grand Challenge Project is Assistive Technology. We have so much technology that is:

  • luxury
  • unnecessary
  • expensive
  • making our lives less fulfilling

We need to focus more on technology that helps those that NEED technology to live a normal life. Instead, we use technology to separate the social classes. Better technology aids will help those who can't:

  • walk
  • see
  • hear
  • eat
  • talk


Summer2018 (talk)15:44, 30 July 2018

Disaster Prediction

  I chose Disaster Predictions because we still can't predict a tornado, earthquake or volcanic eruption. It takes all our technological resources such as satellites and
different communications to give each other a few seconds or minutes warning. That's just for the richer countries in the world, it's almost impossible to prepare 

or predict in a developing country. Natural disasters affect everyone. No one is safe from one on this planet. Even though we are better prepared today than let's say 30 or even 5 years ago, we have a long way to go. Unfortunately, it seems we will see the technology that can predict a disaster go live but I know our grandkids will

be much safer. They will be able to experience less natural turmoil and have one less worry in their lives. It's amazing what Natural Hazards Earth Systems Science 

and QuakeFinder are doing, sometimes without government aid. With these and other similar organizations, I know we can reach our goal of predicting disasters. It's hard to predict because no two disasters are ever the same.

Summer2018 (talk)14:04, 23 July 2018