User talk:MihirT10

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Computers and Society Individual Project008:48, 8 August 2019

Computers and Society Individual Project

1. Introductions

Learning Literacies [[1]] With Naviance, students get personalized information on specific schools, and also have the possibility of being introduced to unheard ones because it automatically provides ranked schools based on your academic profile

BEST Computers and Society Websites [[2]] As mobile devices increase their computing power I believe there is a chance in the near future that they could make laptops and computers obsolete as long as a docking process to make it usable with monitors and keyboards is in place.

2. Privacy and Freedom of Speech

Privacy and Personal Information [[3]] If countries regulated privacy on the internet differently I believe we will see a rise in revolutionary efforts for global freedom to equal access and use online.

BEST Learning Literacies: Protect It [[4]] It is imperative that general lessons be taught about sharing personal information such as vacation plans because cyber crimes often target unaware users who say they are going away for a specific time period as a source for robbery

3. Intellectual Property

Internet Predictions Database [[5]] Due to the fact we are currently in an online class with students from remote locations, do you see the advancements in technology selecting for the end of physical schools and colleges in the future?

BEST Art and Computers [[6]] Nowadays, metadata, which entails credit withing song direction and production, is not properly maintained by the currently trending music streaming industry. Companies like Spotify have "Missing, bad, or inconsistent song metadata" which allows "billions on the table that never gets paid to the artists who earned that money".

4. Crime

Computers and Crime [[7]] Computer crimes can both replicate "non-computer offenses, such as larceny or fraud" but also be administered through hacking, making it a versatile threat.

BEST Hacked -now what? [8]] If subject to a cyber crime you should know that "hackers often try to create accounts" with your identities like your email so you should check your accounts for possible random account verification emails and then delete them.

5. Employment, Education, and Entertainment

Assistive Technology [[9] Assistive technologies help make it possible for almost every student to make effective use of the computer lab as students with disabilities can make use of text-to-speech software, speech recognition software, and specialized keyboards to make using computers easier.

Open Textbooks [[10]] With rising tuition costs many students are looking for various ways to get textbooks or their equivalent knowledge for certain classes. this revolutionary math source could save lots of money for those pursuing such a field.

6. Midterm - Grand Challenges

BEST Grand Challenges [[11]] Business relies on water accessibility and can only thrive with a constant supply and stream for it's industrial practices. As women are provided more access to water and it's education they can also keep the water programs alive with their intuition, providing a societal role for them to be ingrained for a cultural evolution as beneficial assets to rural communities. These efforts have an additional advantage because of it's investment often times leading to a better response and mitigation approach to disastrous events not causing as much havoc as compared to backwards societies.

Challenge Solutions and Technology [[12]] The Nest is not a step into "smart homes" rather it is a method of modernizing their living spaces as a means to take an effort to a transition of "ambient computing" that helps decision to make your daily life more optimally comfortable.

7. Evaluating and Controlling Technology

Internet of Things [[13]] The internet of things is a concept to connect all existing devices in households, offices, education to the internet. The argument against the IoT is that topic of data privacy, but personally regular citizens should not fear their daily activities to cause them trouble and therefore I am a huge proponent for this new sight into innovation.

BEST Great Technologies [[14]] Octave is a free open source version of MATLAB which is a glorified calculator program. This programming language is simple to learn and efficiently helps complete homework assignments by saving variables and not working with a calculator and having to scroll on the small screen. Saving scripts with this program makes redoing homework much more efficient and helps you learn concepts much more easily by foregoing the simple mistakes that come with hand calculations.

8. Risks, Failures, and Responsibilities

BEST Medicine and Computers [[15]] Although ideal to have technology a huge influence on innovation in the medical industry one must understand that these advances only bring up the costs and become hard to realistically implement at an effective approach.

Keywords: Conflict of Interest [[16]] This article talks about how technology can be implemented in solving problems of Conflicts of Interest that often pop up in the finance industry because of its volatile nature.

9. Anytime, Anywhere

Politics and the Web [[17]] Users should be wary on their sources for political opinions and news because there can be widely disagreeing articles on the same subject or event dependent on which party the reporter is writing for. To stay as knowledgeable as possible the common citizen should stay informed on reporting from both sides to consider all viewpoints.

BEST Massively Open Online Courses [[18]] MOOCs allow students to gain an understanding of a topic that they may not have direct accessibility to in their realm of education, and also allow those with limited time or availability for education on various subjects to gain exposure to a possible career interest without fear of detrimental grade reports.

10. Technology Advances, Social Trends

BEST Future of Computers [[19]] Project xCloud by Microsoft will be a "video game streaming service, allowing players to instantly stream console and PC games to their device of choice using an internet connection". This follows the rising trend of subscription based media and content, with the popularity of Netflix, Hulu, and the new Disney+ the gaming industry is now dipping its toes into this market and hopes to gain a huge following.

What's new and Important? [[20] Li-Fi is an innovative idea that provides a new method of distributing internet access by use of LED. Lighting is a dependable source of energy and if this technology were to take off the applicability of this idea would allow for more secure networking in specified areas.

MihirT10 (talk)07:50, 8 August 2019