User talk:Masarrat.cdol

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Create your Wikieducator user page
Help us get to know you and your interests.

  • Type your user name after the colon:
  • Remember that your user name is case sensitive
  • A new window will open when you're done.
  • Click herePDF down.png for a print version of these instructions (198KB).

Read this before creating any personal new page:

  • Use this syntax: [[/new personal page/]]. This will create a Sub Page under your User Page.
  • Some users choose to establish profile pages. If you choose to do so, please establish it by editing your user page, and simply adding this text: [[/My profile/]]. Don't forget to save! You can then link to and edit your profile.


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Khushi, I have edited your page007:07, 19 August 2008
Welcome018:15, 8 August 2008

Khushi, I have edited your page

Dear Khushi,

I have edited (minor changes) your page.

Also I have sent a flower for you <Smile>. I hope you will like it.

Regards Amita

Amitanaik (talk)07:07, 19 August 2008

Create your Wikieducator user page
Help us get to know you and your interests.

  • Type your user name after the colon:
  • Remember that your user name is case sensitive
  • A new window will open when you're done.
  • Click herePDF down.png for a print version of these instructions (198KB).

Read this before creating any personal new page:

  • Use this syntax: [[/new personal page/]]. This will create a Sub Page under your User Page.
  • Some users choose to establish profile pages. If you choose to do so, please establish it by editing your user page, and simply adding this text: [[/My profile/]]. Don't forget to save! You can then link to and edit your profile.
Missan (talk)18:15, 8 August 2008