User talk:Linakarde

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Cc3118:13, 16 July 2010
Welcome!015:51, 6 July 2010

What is socalization?

Preeti nayak (talk)18:10, 16 July 2010

socialzation is actually the valuation of a human in a society

Preeti nayak (talk)18:13, 16 July 2010
Welcome to WikiEducator!
I'm your WikiNeighbour and I welcome you to our dynamic community of 80,796 WikiEducators.
I see you are starting your WE userpage! Enjoy the journey and work at your pace. I'm certain you will become a great WikiEducator. Congratulations!

If there's anything I can help you with, please let me know!

Also, join our live Wikieducator session going on this Wednesday! --Benjamin Stewart 04:30, 20 July 2010 (UTC)

Bnleez (talk)15:51, 6 July 2010