User talk:Dkakinda

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Welcome!119:30, 20 December 2008

Hi Daniel,

pleased to meet you here on this platform. My name is Günther Osswald, a m/ph teacher in Germany. Please visit our project site at "Center for innovative physics teaching in Uganda" Ted/Project_Planning/Uganda. We are still looking for more participants.

Best regards and nice holidays, Günther --GünOss 14:33, 19 December 2008 (UTC)

White Eagle (talk)02:33, 20 December 2008

Hi Osswald, nice meeting you here.

I have been to your country twice . Once in 2004 to attend an eLearning training and also to attend the Online-Educa -Berlin (OEB) . I read that you made a presentation at the OEB 2008. The OEB conference is really a great conference.

In 2006, I was in Bonn to make a presentation at another eLearning conference on "ELearning in Africa -What works and what does not work".

I have read through the Ted project . I think it is a great idea but there is need to move beyond the planning stage and the concept note. My worry is that a lot of good ideas only stop at the planning stage!! There is always need to get real campions to try ideas into the implementation stage.


Dkakinda (talk)19:28, 20 December 2008