User talk:Camillus

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
From Samantha Joseph008:51, 27 February 2009
«no subject»006:01, 22 February 2009

From Samantha Joseph

Hi Camillus, Welcome to Wiki Education. I am at NCERD and a collegue of mine remembers you and sends hin regards. His name is Joseph Mc. Kenzie. All the best to your Wiki Education. Samatha Joseph

Camillus (talk)08:51, 27 February 2009

«no subject»

Welcome to WikiEducator. It's great to have you on board! There are currently 80,797 users on WikiEducator and you've just made that one more!

I'm a WikiNeighbour and I'd like to extend a warm welcome to our community. We'd like to get to know you a little better, so when you get a chance - please take the time to tell us a little about yourself by filling out your user page.

--AFriedman 17:01, 21 February 2009 (UTC)

Chat to you soon.

Help on getting started with Wiki editing

There are a couple of resources on WikiEducator to help you get started. You obviously have an account already and may need a little help with the basics of wiki editing.

If you're like me and only read the instructions when you have a problem :-) - there is a quick start set of guidelines which should get you going.

If you have any questions please feel free to join our discussion list on Google groups which is a good place to get help from the community, or drop me a note on my talk page below.

AFriedman (talk)06:01, 22 February 2009