User talk:Angelgarica61805

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Technology Advances & Social Trends (10): Sensation to Robotic Limbs015:56, 24 March 2019
Technology Advances & Social Trends (10): Predictions 2019015:53, 24 March 2019
Anytime Anywhere (9): Digital Commerce015:49, 24 March 2019
Anytime Anywhere (9): Commerce015:45, 24 March 2019
Risks, Failures & Responsibilities (8): What is an Information Technology Risk015:36, 24 March 2019
Risks, Failures & Responsibilities (8): Computers Vs. Patient015:22, 24 March 2019
Intellectual Property (3): Guidance on Intellectual Property Rights014:59, 24 March 2019
Privacy and Personal Information (2): Privacy Incidents014:53, 24 March 2019
Evaluating & Controlling Technology (7): Simulations in Science Labs Praxilabs014:40, 24 March 2019
Evaluating & Controlling Technology (7): Vascular Silmulations (Simulations post)014:30, 24 March 2019
Employment, Education & Entertainment (5): Hour of Code (Games in Education)014:13, 24 March 2019
Employment, Education & Entertainment (5): Assistive Technology in the Classroom008:59, 24 March 2019
Computers & Crime (4): CyberCrime & Profit008:51, 24 March 2019
Computers & Crime (4): FBI Fights Cyber Crime008:38, 24 March 2019
Intellectual Property (3): USPTO Intellectual Property Policy008:28, 24 March 2019
Privacy and Personal Information (2): Cananda Looking to Collect Data For People Leaving008:11, 24 March 2019
Online Community Service (1): DoSomething.Org007:41, 24 March 2019
Online Community Service (1) : UNV Online Volunteering007:30, 24 March 2019
Lessson App - Teach Teachers Children Learn Grand Challenges (6)007:13, 24 March 2019
Importance of Early Childhood Development Grand Challenges (6)007:12, 24 March 2019
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Technology Advances & Social Trends (10): Sensation to Robotic Limbs

I chose to share a link on a new feature that will soon be added to robotic limbs, sensation and feeling.  The departments of science and robotics are creating a limb that will produce the natural feeling of sensation through an electrical current stimulation.  I wanted to share this link because technology is helping bridge the gap for paralyzed patients.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)15:56, 24 March 2019

Technology Advances & Social Trends (10): Predictions 2019

This news article has a list of different professionals and their predictions for 2019 technology and science.  Most of these predictions I believe are actually in the works.  Some of these professionals are actively working on different projects within their specialty departments.   My favorite of all the predictions was the prediction made by Heather Berlin.  She is predicting that 2019 will bring about a heightened level of brain-computer interface.  The prediction is that the brain will not only be able to control the limb, but also have feeling and sensation.   This prediction list makes you wonder what is really to come in the future years of technology and society.  How will the people be affected by the changes in technology?  Will penmanship ever resurface as an importance in life or will computers overcome the need?  There are so many questions and so many ideas to wonder about.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)15:53, 24 March 2019

Anytime Anywhere (9): Digital Commerce

This article is about  The company's sales has had a rapid increase in the commerce and marketing aspects.  The article explains the increases and drops in shares and dollars all affected or influenced from the commerce and marketing influences.  It also discusses the digital trends with e-commerce etc.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)15:46, 24 March 2019

Anytime Anywhere (9): Commerce

This is an article about buzzfeed and how they qre moving forward with two new commerce ad products.   Buzzfeed's goal is to make a better connection between ad and business commerce.  They believe this change will increase their revenue and produce higher results for marketers.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)15:44, 24 March 2019

Risks, Failures & Responsibilities (8): What is an Information Technology Risk

This article discuss information risks that come with the use of technology. The article goes into detail on what are general IT risks versus Criminal IT risks. It also goes into discuss the natural disasters that could be experienced while using technology. There is a large range of risks to using technology.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)15:35, 24 March 2019

Risks, Failures & Responsibilities (8): Computers Vs. Patient

I selected this link to share because technology was recently incorporated into the healthcare field as a requirement. Now with this everything electronic no paper rule the patient is beginning to feel somewhat neglected. A study was conducted by a Stanford Grad student and a MD, on the amount of time the provider spends on the computer and actually providing direct care to the patient. I previously worked in a long term care facility who rolled out the electronic documentation program. The residents felt neglected and felt that the staff were spending more time on the computer than with the patient. It is important to understand both the patient and provider side of the computer vs. patient study. Providers need to focus on the patient when the patient is physically there and chart when the patient has left.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)15:22, 24 March 2019

Intellectual Property (3): Guidance on Intellectual Property Rights

This is an article that provides some tips on how to enforce and defend your intellectual property rights on Amazon. Amazon allows clients to report infringement via a takedown request. The client must provide documentation to prove the infringement has occurred. Other clients on Amazon do have the option to fight the takedown request. The clients must both provide the documentation to prove the infringement or non infringement for the item to be removed or put back on Amazon. Clients can go as far as taking one another to court for the infringement or accusation of one. This article provides you with the step by step on what to do in the case of infringement on Amazon. This article is beneficial for those peopled that sell items online.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)08:21, 24 March 2019

Privacy and Personal Information (2): Privacy Incidents

Personal information is provided to apps, games, social media, credit cards, and so much more. What happens when this personal information that was promised to be kept confident is released to the public? This article discusses the incident with FEMA disaster survivors' personal information being released to the public. The FEMA corporation was transferring data to a contractor when the information was leaked to the public. Personal information did not just include personal data such as name, address and phone number, but it also shared the disaster survivors' banking information as well. The offered resolution was for victims to keep an eye on their banking statements to ensure there is no loss of funds. FEMA also stated they installed a data filter to ensure this incident did not occur again. This article shows the government did not have a plan in place for a incident of this magnitude.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)07:57, 24 March 2019

Evaluating & Controlling Technology (7): Simulations in Science Labs Praxilabs

This is a link to a software that allows students to use the 3d Simulations to for experiments in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics. The software is called Praxilabs. A virtual lab that can be accessed from any where at any time. The lab was designed to make it easier for students to learn about experiments in the three different science areas. The software is available in English and Arabic. The are experiments such as electricity, electronics, modern physics and so much more. Biology labs help students understand the common steps to experiments that they do not have access to. The software adapts to different ways of learning.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)14:40, 24 March 2019

Evaluating & Controlling Technology (7): Vascular Silmulations (Simulations post)

This link is for company called Vascular Simulations. The company's technology provides a more realistic possible experience for people to practice real procedures. The company technology also allows for there to be more research conducted on how to improve the patient outcome. The company provides a super cool video which shows you the machines and the simulations dummy used. The technology is amazing. The heart looks almost real. The video shows you how the dummy and machine pump the heart while the machines are actively working on a surgical procedure. You get to see first hand how the technology works.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)14:30, 24 March 2019

Employment, Education & Entertainment (5): Hour of Code (Games in Education)

I have attached a link to a website called an Hour of Code. This website is used at the school I work at in Cupertino. The computer lab offers this course to the classes to complete as part of a computer literacy and engineering program. The school I work at is an Apple sponsored school. They receive all their computers and technology at a free cost from Apple. The school encourages their students to become coders and learn code. The hour of code is a great way for students to learn coding in a super fun way. There many coding games offered for all ages. This is an awesome game idea that can be incorporated into education.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)14:13, 24 March 2019

Employment, Education & Entertainment (5): Assistive Technology in the Classroom

Assistive technology exists to help us. We identified the need and use of technology to help adults and children become more successful in their communities and in their education. This link provides a list of different assistive technology available for a specific need. They have resources for different assistive technology for subjects such as reading, writing, math, auditory, etc. It also provides resources for parents dealing with children with specific needs of assistive learning. It provides links for resources on tips on dealing with behavior and insecurities, etc. This link also provides a community connection resource. An online community that allows you to connect with others that may be dealing with the same situations as yourself.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)08:57, 24 March 2019

Computers & Crime (4): CyberCrime & Profit

This article discusses the existing theft via the internet that exists today. Bank robberies happen everyday, but they can also happen via the internet. Russian hackers were embezzling money from different bank institutions via computer viruses from 2013 to 2018. There are many ways hackers can steal money from institutions such as inflating account balances, or by laundry money into cryptocurrency and exchanging it for luxury items such as cars, homes, boats, etc. Crime has moved online and the threats have increased overtime as technology has grown and is more accessible. This article also states that security software programs are the number one cyber scammers and are government corrupted.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)08:51, 24 March 2019

Computers & Crime (4): FBI Fights Cyber Crime

The FBI is taking cyber crime very seriously. This is article is directly from the FBI news report where they disclose different topics and possible actions to communicate with the community. The FBI is investigating cyber intrusions of private and public networks. They believe American companies are being attacked for trade secrets and other sensitive data, research or development. Cyber threats are evolving and every citizen is affected by cyber intrusion. The FBI has put together a cyber invasion team that investigates computer intrusions, theft of intellectual property and personal information, child pornography, online fraud and exploitation. It is important for citizens to remember that with the growth of technology there is also growth in threats. These threats need to be addressed and kept in line.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)08:38, 24 March 2019

Intellectual Property (3): USPTO Intellectual Property Policy

This is a link to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) policy on intellectual property. It provides information on patent, trademark and copyright policies. It also provides information on the programs offered, government affairs, and enforcement. This a great resource for international and domestic intellectual property. It covers IP protection across the world. I found this link helpful for research purposes.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)08:28, 24 March 2019

Privacy and Personal Information (2): Cananda Looking to Collect Data For People Leaving

This article is about Canada beginning to collect data on people leaving the country. They want to know where people are traveling, for what reason and for how long. This information would be provided to immigration personnel who would then decide whether the person is following the residency requirements. In addition, the documentation would provide the government with information on when a person is not in the country causing the benefits to not be paid until they return. This information will be collected by a third party without the consent of the traveling individual. with this information, the people believe this is a privacy violation of their personal information. Yet, the government of Canada states this data is the first step to helping with investigations of people participating in illegal actions.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)08:11, 24 March 2019

Online Community Service (1): DoSomething.Org is a mobile platform for volunteers to join an action campaign or join a social change group to make an impact for a cause they believe in. There are many different groups, programs and campaigns. Some include providing clothing for homeless, sports gear for children in low income communities, cleaning up cigarette butts and it even ranges to the extent of a campaign to make sure their are emojis for people of color.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)07:41, 24 March 2019

Online Community Service (1) : UNV Online Volunteering

UNV stands for United Nations Volunteers. This online service program was created to provide a safe place for online volunteers to work together. The volunteers are able to provide join groups and discuss challenges and goals from any place and any device. Online volunteering provides a fast, convenient way to access help for many different organizations and community groups. You can use this link to apply to become a volunteer and access a group or organization that may be passionate towards the same views on injustices, etc. This online volunteering service is recognized as community service.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)07:30, 24 March 2019

Lessson App - Teach Teachers Children Learn Grand Challenges (6) Students were not reporting at the curriculum levels needed. After much research the school found that the teachers did not have the resources to develop and learn the skills needed to educated the students properly. An app called LessonApp was created to provide the teachers with the understanding and tools to develop more effificient and inspiring lessons. This app helped promote productivity for the students and teachers.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)16:37, 18 February 2019

Importance of Early Childhood Development Grand Challenges (6) This article covers the need for other improvements in their lives outside of food and water. This article covers the importance for early childhood development to ensure the children are laid out a foundation for lifelong development and learning. Children need to learn and play to develop skills such as communication, creativity and sympathy. These skills are needed to thrive into adulthood and rebuild their communities. Investing in early childhood interventions is crucial for the children to learn the importance in educational attainment, economic prosperity, and health.

Angelgarica61805 (talk)16:44, 18 February 2019
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