User talk:Alex Ferguson

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«no subject»006:12, 23 September 2008

«no subject»

Hi Alex, I one the fans one Man U here in Africa. I love to watch Man U playing and very follow each match. I may say this to you Sir, that the team is great and am able to identify players who really put their best when playing .I wonder why on 17th september you lefft brown and vidic who could have awaded Man a victory at Home. Why again did you leave out Brown,Tevez and Nani?I could see that Berbatov was tire and was just a passenger.O'shea is but to me that was a wrong sibstitute in steaad you should have broght in Tervez and Mr Gigs for Berbatov. however, I wish the team the best in tomorow's game.and to win the other games to come but dont ignore completely the observation I havfe made. aalllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!the !!!!!!!!!!!best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

--Mashmm 18:12, 22 September 2008 (UTC)

Mashmm (talk)06:12, 23 September 2008